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Everything posted by scotsbushman

  1. hello fello airshire lad, enjoy the site and the chat
  2. Were in troon do you go for foxes, im in stevenston, already shoot on a farm but its quiet and i need gun time as im fairly new to shotgun but have had plenty of time with air-rifles in the past
  3. any more details on this shotgun available, i.e chokes and barrell length. Many thanks
  4. to add to this i would prefer a side by side 12g. many thanks
  5. are you still selling the gorosabel and the baikal, call me on 01294472899 (jim) if you are, i could be interested as im looking for a second gun. I am shotgun licensed and living in Ayrshire, could come through to east lothian.
  6. Hi im looking for a second hand 12g, currently i have a classic doubles 101 which i think is first class but now need a second gun as i would like to keep the 101 in great condition. I will pay up to £250 for the right gun.
  7. going out on sunday, hope pigeon ends up on the menu. Chances are however my mate will have pigeon, and with my luck it will be pot noodle (chicken flavour obviously).
  8. im also just being introduced to these forums, seems to be a abundance of knowledge available. Welcome.
  9. hi i am a member of the countryside alliance if this helps with gaining permission with a land owner. Again many thanks.
  10. Hi all, my name is jim, and happily moving into shooting from previous outdoor activities. I could do with land to shoot on in Ayrshire. I have a shooting buddy with 30 years experience who could also come along to help keep pest control going. Any help with this would kindly be appreciated.
  11. Has anyone used surrey field sports website to order clothing. I have never used this site and just wonder how well they deliver goods.
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