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About tom17

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. I'm 21 now feel people don't take me serisouly thinking I'm only 17 And Tina21 now ?
  2. Thank you, I shall look into it ?
  3. How do you go about changes it?
  4. Hi folks What time of year do you start trapping you're crayfish? This will be my first year trapping them I have all my licences and land owners permissions so hopefully get a few Regards Tom17
  5. Hi folks, Just wondering if I can change my user name? Regards Tom17
  6. yesterday I acquired three ferrets from a man packing up due to ill health, A black eyed white Jill, polcat Gill and a huge sandy Hob My question is are people finding there hobs are in season already? Due to the warm winter we have had? The problem is my hob is usually fine around other males but when I introduced him to my new Hob they wouldn't stop fighting so had to separate them. Regards Tom17
  7. Okay cheers mate I'll have a look
  8. Just an enquiry to where you guys buy sliders from looked around can't seem to find them anywhere, I've got plenty of rings just fancied giving sliders a go on a few nets Regards Tom
  9. It's brilliant offer mate! I would take it but I only make the odd net whenever I loose one or one brakes so would be wasted on me So I'd rather it go to someone else to make full use of it
  10. Taz2010 alrigt mate, What colour is the twine you've got?
  11. Thanks for the advice it will only be the odd spool of twine and that's the site I'll have a look forteenacre site Thanks
  12. Where do you guys buy you're spun poly twine from as my usual site has closed down Thanks in advance Tom17
  13. Yeah my friend who I go ferreting / shooting with his dad is a head game keeper so I go beating on his shoot every other Saturday
  14. Yeah it sure is and Not my own permissions however my friend who I always go out with has a lot of permission north Northants
  15. Yeah I'll consider that when i can afford to get one, may be a while until I get another long net just applied for my shotgun so waiting for that to come back Yeah dogs are brilliant I go out occasionally with a guy who has a Lurcher and it's enjoyable watching the chase
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