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Everything posted by Savy

  1. Cheers mate much appreciated least there is some decent people out there ;-)
  2. Hahaha mite try that one go put your skirt on
  3. Hahaha what a loser you are your a grown man and bickering like a teenager on a forum what a sad life u must live pal! Freak
  4. Never said I did know fuk all u mouthy c**t stil don't mean I can't get info off people does it. So if u got nothing decent to say get fuked off my post n let some people who want to help out do so, get a grip
  5. Don't really know what I want yet just wanted people's views on both crosses
  6. Who the hell r u? From Leeds u
  7. What do people reckon beddy/whippet or beddy/grey?
  8. Recently went out on my first shoot and a friend of a friend brought along a pump up air rifle. I didn't know what to think at first but once he had a few shots I was very Intrested in this type of gun, just want some info/ reviews on these as thinking of getting one in the future. How long does the power last once pumped? Etc any advice much appreciated Regards
  9. Smk xs79 Scope Silencer Half tin of thunderbolt pellets Only been used three times £150 but open to offers Any takers?
  10. Savy

    Smk xs79

    Make me an offer ;-)
  11. I am looking to swap or sell!! Smk xs 79 with half tin of thunderbolt pellets smk scope and silencer any offers? I am looking to upgrade so the money will help or a swap ;-)
  12. Hi I am looking to upgrade my gun I currently have a smk xs 79 with scope, either looking to sell or swap? If Intrested pm me and give you full spec?
  13. Hi I am new to the hunting world just wanted some general info tips advice etc on hunting rabbits? Regards
  14. Hi what type of work is it you do as I am Intrested in getting myself a bedxgrey and wondering what best type of work to be involved in? Regards
  15. Like the pic of the dogs especially the second one it is what a lurcher should look like! Thanks for the advice guys
  16. I am thinking about getting a bedxgrey for working what are people's views/ advice on this cross?
  17. It wasn't at night we just went out for couple of hours but ended up getting dark looking the ferret
  18. That was the problem I reckon it was a huge earth thanks for advice
  19. Greetings spadge welcome to the site! All leading brands haha u up at eccup?
  20. You won't believe it we went back the following evening and out pops a little head ! Can't believe it! Well chuffed :-) poor thing, the earth was a big one we need to purchase a collar we just decided to go n see what happened. Glad it safe n sound though will learn from the experience now
  21. I have been looking into getting a lurcher for some time now, I have had 2 previous lurchers which were my old mans! The first was bedxgrey named scruff, amazing dog but sadly died aged 7 due a stroke and the 2 nd a bed whippet which he still has to this day named Tilley. Both haven't really worked properly but still got the odd rabbits. Scruff had a fox one morning. I am now very keen on getting my own bedxgrey but want a 1/2 1/2 cross I want to know if anybody can help me get this? There is loads on Internet but want to actually find a good breeder of them who works them. Any help will be mu
  22. Went out last night for our first rabbit experience! Sadly we didn't get a thing! We managed to get close but no luck, then we managed to looses our ferret! We put her down a earth n she was down there a while but never reappeared, after and hours searching n nighttime falling in we decided to leave her :-( poop start to the rabbiting career!!!
  23. Hi hunting life world I am new to this and really can't wait to get involved! :-) Any lurcher lovers please add me so can have a good chat about these amazing dogs!
  24. Hi I am new the site am very Intrested in getting a lurcher pup, preferably a bedlington x greyhound. Does anybody know of any breeders in the uk for this? Any help/ advice will be much appreciated.
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