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Skull Hooker

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Everything posted by Skull Hooker

  1. Thanks. That's what I was looking for. I can imagine a normal M10 nut would be too thick to allow the trigger to be depressed, so i'll have to look for a thin M10 nut. Top job
  2. Did you not watch Springwatch. Its Cwis Packhams weasel!!
  3. He maintains his favourite bird is a male sparrowhawk. He seems intent on championing anything that eats small endangered things.
  4. Or just wait for it...then shoot it. More fun.
  5. Another problem sorted through friendly banter on THL. LOL
  6. Just been reading the Summer 'Keeping the balance', the magazine of the National Gamekeeper's Organisation, which carries a letter from the vice chairman on p141. They are not attending the CLA Game Fair this year because in addition to the £20,000 it normally costs the to run a stand there for the three days, the CLA organisers have asked them for a further £5000 for the stand space!! FFS!! I never go to the CLA any more. Their tickets are so expensive, and basically you are paying £30 to be allowed to shop. That's big of them. Because of the prices levied on the stall holders, the pr
  7. How much higher would you suggest? ...and what if he wanted to push the zero out a bit further? It seems to me his problem is he cant make the reticule cross coincide with the point if impact. The reticule is too low. Higher rings would solve the problem. It doesn't sound like he's going to be shooting ultra long distances with an 8x scope. There's nothing in his text which has suggested that's what he wants to do This happened to me in the past and I solved it by getting higher rings. Something is getting lost in translation here, higher rings/mounts will mo
  8. My thread is good too. I just want a nut to screw on it but don't know the size.
  9. How much higher would you suggest? ...and what if he wanted to push the zero out a bit further? It seems to me his problem is he cant make the reticule cross coincide with the point if impact. The reticule is too low. Higher rings would solve the problem. It doesn't sound like he's going to be shooting ultra long distances with an 8x scope. There's nothing in his text which has suggested that's what he wants to do This happened to me in the past and I solved it by getting higher rings.
  10. Nothing changes there then. This underlines the way men are seriously mistreated by the courts during divorce proceedings, Financially ruined and emotionally destroyed. Its a major fault in our legal system that the lawyers don't want to approach cos it earns them loads of money.
  11. Nip down the gunsmiths and get a set of higher rings. That 8x56 Docter is a scope worth keeping.
  12. I pick my two 6 yr olds from school and we go check the Larsens. I let em sit on me knee and they drive (steer) the pickup. The 12 year old actually drives my pickup now with me sitting on the tailgate. Not bad..... for a girl.
  13. They're a nice eating size at that age. Well tender. Hope u did it justice in the pot.
  14. They've got a scientist on tonight who's been analysing the badgers that chomped all the avocets last year. So far she's said that they eat bird seed, amphibians, nesting birds and bitterns. Cwis nearly passed out! Bet she's not invited on again. So much for em just eating peanuts and worms. Blokes just turning a blind eye to the fact that they're voracious killers that would put a fox to shame. They also just done a bit on the declining watervole. Not once did they mention a mink. Funny they never mention the 70 million birds killed by cats either. They named a stickleback last night.
  15. Still having problems with my Lance 140. The nut holding the switch in place fell off. I've been in touch with Sportsman Gun Centre in Exeter, Lightforce agents but they're not expecting their delivery of spares for a number of weeks and he's unable to tell me whether or not the nut I want will be on board. If anybody out there has got a 140, or maybe any other Lightforce handheld (as i'm presuming the switches are the same) can they tell me the characteristics of the threads on the switch. ie is it an M6 or [BANNED TEXT] etc so I can get a metal replacement from Wickes.
  16. My dad and his mates used to have a duck shoot in Lancashire and had a problem with the pike taking the ducklings, so when I got to sixteen they let me sit there with a 22LR waiting for the pike. Before they strike they lie in the water like a dead waterlogged stick, tracking the duckling barely moving forward. The 22 round used to do the job on them, but you have to take account of the refraction through the water. Good fun when you're 16. Water has to be quite clear tho'.
  17. Really? When was that. I must have missed it. If he did he's a dick
  18. I know a keeper in Surrey who put down 1000 ex layers one year. The birds were poorly back feathered cos they lo.se a lot from the attention of the cock bird. We had a long period of rain and unseasonably cold weather and it wiped virtually all of them out from exposure. In my mind, if you're serious about it, get poults. I have a farm near me which we put 100 poults down on. We built a small pen and those 100 birds give us two good days rough/walk and stand shooting, for 5 or six people. We look after em though. Ex layers are buggers for wandering off as well
  19. I'm the same on this. To 'detest' or 'hate' a fox is just wierd. They're here. They do their thing, eat, sleep, shag and make little foxes. We do our thing. Shoot, kill and protect vulnerable species. I totally respect the fox. After all of us have finished digging, blasting snaring, trapping, poisoning, flattening and chasing, theyre still here in numbers, Gotta deserve respect. However, it would have to be a cold day in hell before I could understand the reason that the Big Man put magpies on the planet...and wasps....??
  20. =1 I had the same rifle. It was a dog. Couldn't get a group out of it.
  21. The recovery of the dummy is a separate discipline to the retrieve, and I reckon it should practiced separately. Just practice giving her the dummy making the dog wait and then taking it off her. Reward her with praise or a treat. Hopefully she will remember two dozen of those a day when she makes a retrieve
  22. Cant comment on that particular scope but I do have a 4-12 illuminated Burris an I find I have a problem with its light gathering in the gloaming. Not sure if they're all like that. I have lamped with it and I have the same problem, they're not that clear IMHO.
  23. Classed as a Burglary non res, so its not a priority. The Old Bill don't get measured on their performance on these, only residential, so all resources are poured into that. Moral..keep your bike in the hall, or just tell them it was nicked from the hall
  24. Trouble is with these places, they pay peanuts, and if you pay peanuts...etc. No excuse for bad management though. Youre right, its a disgrace.
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