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Skull Hooker

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Everything posted by Skull Hooker

  1. I've got an RCBS case trimmer with all the collets you need including .204 Ruger. £60 + PnP
  2. It's not a criminal offence to not pay, its a civil matter pal It is a Criminal Offence. The government tried to decriminalise it..and failed. Peers voted to keep the non-payment of the licence fee a criminal offence http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2941507/Failing-pay-TV-licence-remain-criminal-offence-peers-reject-Government-plans-end-draconian-punishment.html
  3. For a rifle like that, Id go custom..titanium perhaps... and then you could have a say in its dimensions colour etc. It'd cost a few more bob, but that's a class piece of iron. You dont want to ruin it with a cheap mod.
  4. Sparsholt College is probably a good starting point. Don't think its near you though. May be able to advise you as to your nearest college' Good Luck
  5. Blight on the countryside mate
  6. Hi mate. Born and bred in the Wigan area myself ,but haven't been back there for twenty years. In them days we used to go ratting on the banks of the River Douglas with a twelve bore shotgun and no one used to bat an eye. Ha!
  7. Check every screw on your rifle and scope first.
  8. What sort of scope have you got?
  9. Grass and twigs would affect trajectory at 100 m. Another thought is whether or not you cleaned your barrel between the 50 and 75 efforts. The slight buildup of crap on the barrel could move the shot at that 100 distance.
  10. Sorry. Not seen it. In the Airgun sections? Nope.. in the General Talk section, headed 'Discusting Wanker Imo'
  11. You cant beat McDonalds.. they beat you! Stupid bitches got everything they deserved.
  12. Is the Zoli an ejector? and has it got a single trigger?
  13. Have you tried to get any sort of training beforehand? If not, why don't you do your DSC1? I found it helpful when learning about shot placement, distance judgement, species ID, gralloching etc. The qualification may go some way to enabling to get your FAC as well
  14. I got a piece of land where I shoot Canada's in September. One day, I got a call from the owner of the barley field, who told me that he had been approached by a bloke who lives 5 houses away from me asking to shoot the geese. The farmer had referred that person to me to clear it. At 11pm that night, I hadn't heard anything from him. I knew that he would go so I left my truck on the drive so he'd think I was at home asleep and I set my alarm for stupid o'clock and walked over to the permission with my rifle. Sure enough, at just after silly o'clock I heard the gate clang and his van drove
  15. Never seen such a camp photo! LOL
  16. Just heard on the news that Cameron has agreed to fund a 10 mile fence around the port of Calais. Its a poor do when the French just refuse to police it properly and its the British taxpayer has to fund it. I was watching the French ferry workers who are on strike as usual, burning vast quantities of rubber tyres on the road. The pollution to the air looked biblical, but as usual the French police were just sitting around watching. Pointless organisation the French police.
  17. Doesn't it just break your heart. Couldn't happen to a nicer family
  18. Posh sandwich:- bagel with Brie, red onion and cranberry. The bagel comes with a hole. I don't like those so I leave it. Don't want to get too fat. Standard sarnie:- cheese and beetroot (pickled).
  19. An investigation has begun after 44 cats were poisoned on two neighbouring streets in Boston in Lincolnshire in the last two years, probably from de icer. The RSPCA says the deaths are unlikely to be accidental - especially at this time of year. Police say its down to the RSPCA to investigate so stand by for a fit up of the first car mechanic in the street. Cant stand cats. Look on the bright side, that's about 1000 nesting birds that will survive next season PS I don't live anywhere near there
  20. English humour? But it could just be me slow on the up take? TC My Newt + Minute (pronounced 'my nute') Geddit
  21. I had a flying lesson once. Someone bought it for my father in law who bottled it a bit, and gave it to me. I have to say, its an experience, but you don't half feel vulnerable at 1000ft only surrounded by a bubble of fibreglass. The landing, into a crosswind, was a bit hairy too. Probably not for me. Mistakes are expensive when you're flying something marginally stronger than a shoebox.
  22. Saw the documentary on it a few years ago. If it was me and I got through, the bit I'd be dreading was the 'fresh air step' out of a hot air balloon. My B*%&^ks have gone weird just thinking about it. Do they still do that?
  23. I like the Midland if I do go. Advanced fees:- Adult (16 years +) - £18.00 Children (15 and Under) - FREE (when accompanied by a full paying adult) Adult Weekend Ticket - £34.00 Is it true that they have to put the entrance prices up when its at Ragley cos the tight Yorkies wont put their hands in their pockets and profits are down.
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