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polish pete

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About polish pete

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Cracking offer can't be more honest than that where bout you based
  2. There me thinking a price is needed for post to stay ah well
  3. I have a webley and Scott bolt action 410 with silencer £ wales
  4. I watching him in Cardiff this year I think you'll find the more popular he gets the higher his prices these sold out pretty quick in Cardiff
  5. That's a cracking looking dog good luck finding pup
  6. Hi all I've recently bought a Wembley and Scott bolt action 410 with hushpower fitted Fired it few times and doesn't seem that much difference than an understanding silenced. Took hushpower off and noticed some of baffles are bent outta shape like the shot had hit it anyone know where I can get new baffles from for it
  7. I'm after a 410 hushpower in s Wales if anyone knows for one for sale cheers
  8. How much you looking at for the baikal I'm in south wales
  9. There was a winchester sx2 further down maybe rfd
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