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About oldmancoursing

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. des was sherry a red and white patchy bitch i darent ask fensfar he thinks im after one of his kidneys .last time i spoke to him he got all hyrate Rambo,s mother sall was a red and white patchy bitch, Rambo was out of duke x sall, duke was out of laddie x Anna, Anna was out of Sam x greyhound, the same Sam when put to f Holmes bess produced Fred who was seagulls father thankyou fensfar i appreciate that imfo .lost some correspondence thats all can we make up now fens ihate this nastiness on these threads . kc des me the realscout and a few more lads on this site just wont to talk maturely o
  2. i came into the world with no mates toby il go out with no mates ..lol once someone shits on me there no way back unlike some i care to mention.. more faces than big ben some lads have
  3. f**k me therealscout appears lol.... u see traps were set and now been sprung lol lmao and i only speak the truth lol silly fuckers... and jamei doesnt folow the beam that well i tried..
  4. scout x megan .. ihate people who say this because every new pup is the bst theyve had ....but she is best 5 month pup ive had real brainy and works cover like a spaniel..
  5. scout bro mate we wasgonna put him over her buthes a bit gay lol gonna get some straws off him this month... yeh it is storm ..
  6. lad wanted to use scout bro and hes a mate so i let him he used scout on her last time ...my other mate used beety on his bullxs after scout lined same bitch and he well pleased with them at mo.. time will tell if he made right decison.. they all cant make it
  7. just lined this bitch for me mate.. it sort of repeat mating.. its a benjie bred bitch... raindeer that pups looks better every day mate atb with it
  8. teh difference between mooching about men and the coursing brigade comes down to 2 words best and good.. lampers, ferretters, moochers go out together they say thats a good dog.. hare coursing men say thats teh best dog in country.. i heard loads o fen who i been out with say this is the best dog and fail to live up to its name.. just enjoy the dogs it wont be with us much longer lads at spalding just got a 12 month driving ban.. dice looks a nice dog mate..
  9. gareth bred fly out of his old bitch .. she was out ..of mother to benji KIM.the mother to fly was a .old run of the mill mooching lurcher did foxes hares and rabbits.. some decent stuff out of old kim about isnt there.. migh tdo a post kims sons and daughters and grand daughters
  10. mine used to come everywhere till she hit 15 lol...mind u still sits in back of car and holds dogs while i drive..but it does cost me lol
  11. i have 2 girls .. one time i took them out on me permission and a catastrophe happened one broke a nail... lucky f****r having a boy lol
  12. how old and how high tts pal nice strong lookig pup he be 23 in the lad who owns him said and he 5 month.
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