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About ferretgirl79

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 12/12/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Wales
  • Interests
    I love Lurchers and ferrets, I love wildlife photography and walking.
  1. As above wanted Locator and Collar as a Birthday present for my daughter,would prefer a MK3 as she can operate one of them but would consider MK1 if price is right. Thanks.
  2. Awwww bless She's beautiful, congratulations to you and your wife and hope they are all doing well. x x
  3. OMG!!......You must be from north of the wall. x
  4. Thank you for all your kind messages,me and Arya are both doing really well and glad to be home......It really means a lot to all of us to read all these nice and funny comments. Jai I couldn't think of a better role model for Arya than you,you have real morals and integrity and you are a true friend,its us who are "blessed" :air_kiss: You guys are the best x x x x
  5. I've never tasted Clootie before but I got to be honest John's was lovely I had it with some custard,I'm going to have some for my tea.......if theres any left. x
  6. 8 days left and I feel ready to pop!! x

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. walshie


      Tarquin for a boy if you definitely don't want grandkids. lol

    3. PIL


      Turn out like lab ... Lol

    4. Skut_monkey


      Good,luck, i got twin daughters, its madness.

  7. Great pics its great to see the young uns out enjoying themselves.
  8. How's THL doing today then. x

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ferretgirl79


      I'm great thanks, you good?

      He's doing ok albert he could do better but you know us women....never happy lol x

    3. R.A.W


      i thought johnny had traded you in for a younger model lol

    4. ferretgirl79


      lol....aye he wish, johnny's in no position to be trading up pmsl.

  9. If you're ever in South Wales drop me a pm and me and my daughter will have a walk out with you. The lads on here are just pussy cats really, take it all with a pinch of salt chick.
  10. Being a woman sport rarely gets me going but rugby does, especially Welsh rugby. Listening to our kids singing the National anthem at the top of their voices with their Dad brings a tear to my eye, gives me goose pimples like golf balls and makes the hair on the back of my neck stick up. I don't have the heart to tell the kids they're half English, they'd probably disown me lol. Good luck today to Wales and England.
  11. I'm English but I've lived in Wales for a fair few years now and the passion the Welsh show when the rugby is on is unreal and the anthem gives me goose pimples.............so passionate. Have you put some metal bars on the TV in case the unthinkable happens on Saturday FG? You might want to buy JB a nice soft pair of slippers to wear for the match, just in case.. Just remembered, you guys have got tickets haven't you? Yeh Malt we had tickets but we couldn't really afford to go tbh so we let friends have them instead, I can't drink so we decided to stay at home and watch it instead. I'm rea
  12. I'm English but I've lived in Wales for a fair few years now and the passion the Welsh show when the rugby is on is unreal and the anthem gives me goose pimples.............so passionate. Have you put some metal bars on the TV in case the unthinkable happens on Saturday FG? You might want to buy JB a nice soft pair of slippers to wear for the match, just in case.. Just remembered, you guys have got tickets haven't you? He's been really calm this year even after that first half against Ireland,he said after the first week that Wales would still beat England in the last game and win th
  13. I'm English but I've lived in Wales for a fair few years now and the passion the Welsh show when the rugby is on is unreal and the anthem gives me goose pimples.............so passionate. Have you put some metal bars on the TV in case the unthinkable happens on Saturday FG? You might want to buy JB a nice soft pair of slippers to wear for the match, just in case.. Just remembered, you guys have got tickets haven't you? Yeh Malt we had tickets but we couldn't really afford to go tbh so we let friends have them instead, I can't drink so we decided to stay at home and watch it instead. I'm
  14. I'm English but I've lived in Wales for a fair few years now and the passion the Welsh show when the rugby is on is unreal and the anthem gives me goose pimples.............so passionate.
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