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Everything posted by shortyhtid

  1. gutted was looking forward to meeting everyone and having a shoot but hey look on the bright side there will be more opportunity's in the future.
  2. i have got a xs78 which is pretty much the same rifle as the qb78 and yes it can be converted, you can either convert it to use an 88g cartridge instead of the 12g ones or you can get a little adaptor so you can fill it like a pcp but im not sure how many extra shots you will get from the conversion.
  3. i agree with the others, but if your still unshore pop down to your local bobby shop and ask them someone there will be able to tell you.
  4. hi fitchet, i paid just over 350 for my s200 and an extra 60 pounds for a stirrup pump its a lovely rifle to use and really light making it easy to carry around the s200 will quite happily get good clean kills at 50 yards with well placed shots, so it should be fine for what you want it for.
  5. The past couple of days i have been going up to one of the barns on my permission testing various different pellets through my s200 and have had some really good results, with the falcon accuracy plus showing the best group at 30 yards, while i was doing my tests i had a visit from a few little critters so i loaded one of my usual pellets took aim and dropped him dead, then refilled the mag and before i knew it there was another so i took aim again and dropped him aswell. the same thing happened on the second day aswell but as i took aim on the rabbit i could see it was not standing right so i
  6. another great vid si, nice shooting shame about the rabbit with myxi, do you see much of that where you are it used to be really bad here but im starting to see less and less of it now
  7. even tho it is a long way it seems worth it and a good laugh, so im going to start saving some pennies and try and come to the meet si is arranging for january.
  8. great vid, i enjoyed watching it and the airgun darts looks good i have never thought of playing darts that way before
  9. some great pics there looks like you all had a good time.
  10. another great episode si, i always enjoy watching your clips and getting tips from them.
  11. Hello and welcome. The lads on here are a nice bunch and are very helpfull, so if you need to know anything just ask im sure someone will be able to help you out.
  12. put me down si i will come, it will be nice to meet some of you guys and have a chat. james
  13. practice alot on paper targets and when you think your good enough and your getting tight groups practice some more, then get yourself down to your permission (without your rifle) and have a good look around, practice stalking get to know your permission and see whats coming from where and what sort of times they are there to give you the best results for when you do hunt live quarry, also when you do shoot live quarry if you have any doubts about the shot dont take it that animal will be there another day, this way you wont risk just wounding it.
  14. another great video mate, i will give that a try next time im out ratting
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