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Rogue and running dog

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Everything posted by Rogue and running dog

  1. Glad to hear you've come Back to the game and sorry to hear about your Dogs! Good luck finding a nice Pup
  2. I'd thought about that too northernlite
  3. Sounds like your wanting similar to what I'd want! Mine would mainly be for mooching ferreting and lamping! I like a racey sharp dog so Don't want anything heavy put in hence why if There was abit of Wheaton in hopefully I'd be able to draw a rough or Broken coated pup from The litter!
  4. Oh and I was thinking about going down the lines of looking for a something similar bred with either Wheaton or bedlinton in the mix! So a sire about 25" sal/whip/grey/Wheaton! Put to my bitch which is sal/whip/grey! If I thought this breeding would Still suit at the time!
  5. This could be an interesting thread I've got a bitch same breeding! IF she proves her self which I'm fairly sure she will I will be looking to do something similar! Add coat she has very good feet great speed etc dont entirely know about wind yet really but I will find that out over next few seasons! Coat is something I really want to improve on her and possibly add an little in hieght on the pup I kept Back! Bull doesn't really do it for me though so would be interested in what people Opinions are
  6. All depends what you want it to do! What is the breeding of the bitch?? And what faults your wanting to try and get rid of! No matter how good the bitch you can always improve!
  7. I reckon a Plummer would be better suited for your needs pal
  8. There is cubs up Scotland fella a mate of mine had to dig a litter week or so ago at a couple of weeks old
  9. i know of one such lad regulalry buys dogs and gets rid of them! lost count of the number of phone calls off him saying do you know any one for such and such dog its got a week if not im shooting it! i also know that a few of them have gone on to make very good dogs taking all legal quarry and pre ban ive no doubt they would have made good deer and fox dogs just not with him! his problem is that if he gets a pup then till its ready to run it lives in its kennel and let out into the paddock for literally 5 mins in a morning Anything that makes it any older he doesnt put the time in getting
  10. There's a fella nr me with a very similar stamp of dog! Took some keeping hold of when he wanted to be on! a machine he was! Dragged me across a field on my belly! As he didn't give me chance to get lead off lol
  11. Say it time and time again but cracking dogs fella! The big lads fair impressive! Would have been a useful dog preban! What he like pace wise?
  12. No fab they are just ones that have cropped up I front of her out walking! Not worked her as such! Although got home late so took her for a walk with lamp as street light haven't been invented round here yet and she got one in the lamp on way back! That's her 1st! She had that run and came home!
  13. Haha Paulus that's replys made my day ill remember that one
  14. Cheers guys! Yep fingers xed those bunnys need to watch their backs
  15. I am! She's my first lurcher and although had working dogs all my life she is by far the hardest I've had to train but when it comes together she's good
  16. Really pleased with pip today! I took her for her walk this after noon as we were walking down a field side I noticed a bunny jump up about 50/60 yards in front! I didn't even think she had seen it but she set off like a bat out of hell getting between the rabbit and the hedge! The coney the ran down into a dip and back out the other side! Problem was coming out the other side was a big drift rabbit ran on top of snow and pip was sinking! I didn't think for a second she would make the ground back up as it was heading for a thick gorse gulley! As I wandered down the field waiting for her r
  17. I feel your pain haha! But mine coming through the otherside! You need a lot of patience and then another lorry load in its way! She is definatly the hardest dog I've ever trained but love her to bits she will be fab
  18. Cheers staffpeg I have no idea why but I have read the whole post and it doesn't say on it on mine! I'm confused haha
  19. Ok maybe I'm being blind but no I can't see it!
  20. How much do you charge for these pal they look a handy bit of kit!
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