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Everything posted by Ant9x

  1. Aye I'm welsh, don't know anything me.......except sheep, I know lots about sheep,oh aye and all we eat is leeks. Got any spare ?
  2. Not sure if you are being sarcastic here or not......... but if you are, your Scottish anyway, so your opinion to a English man means very little. And yeah, it's all a bit of banter, if lads come on here and ask a genuine question, then fair enough, what I know I will share with them, not saying its right, just what I have been led to believe and from what I have experienced ......... The one thing that really really really does my head in, is the amount of bad press the Saluki gets for being thick, and as a 1 trick pony, yet you never hear the same for any other x........ maybe its just t
  3. like its a regular trait for certian members on here to call me a scouse this and a scouse that, be proud of where you from mate, care little of what people say........ its the internet ffs, nothing is serious You got sorted with a job yet mate ? Yes and no, I have a few promising things lined up, just the ball is all in my court, few people to ring and I should be good to go...... cheers for asking mate, means a lot Don't wish to be patronising have you considered the Royal Marines ? your interests could be a good match. My mate has just passed royal marines training, at the
  4. like its a regular trait for certian members on here to call me a scouse this and a scouse that, be proud of where you from mate, care little of what people say........ its the internet ffs, nothing is serious You got sorted with a job yet mate ? Yes and no, I have a few promising things lined up, just the ball is all in my court, few people to ring and I should be good to go...... cheers for asking mate, means a lot Don't wish to be patronising have you considered the Royal Marines ? your interests could be a good match.
  5. like its a regular trait for certian members on here to call me a scouse this and a scouse that, be proud of where you from mate, care little of what people say........ its the internet ffs, nothing is serious You got sorted with a job yet mate ?
  6. Ray : It may be worth checking under the circumstances to see if someone has place camera's there to check on you.
  7. Kay you can get stickers to put on your parents front door saying ' No Callers Please ' and ask your parents to point this out to them if they still call, you can also get the phone calls to stop via the BT switchboard. PM me if you wish and I will forward details.
  8. Quite agree, and have just had them call on me.Hello I'm from the RSPCA, do you care about animal welfare. I most certainly do very much so actually. Right can I count on you to help our fund. Sure, but first can you tell me what your doing to campaign against halal meat production? which I think is very cruel. Well I'm afraid that's quite legal, and therefore we don't campaign against it. Oh but when hunting was quite legal, you campaigned against that, very vigorously if I remember right, and does that mean if the hunting ban is overturned you will accept that as case closed ? Slight
  9. its called respect a very under valued word nowadays mate,
  10. I don't think it should be ignored that high on the agenda of left wing political parties in this country is the banning of fieldsports.
  11. Really love the look of your dog, where did you get her ? I'm seriously considering one myself when due to age I lose one of mine.
  12. Ant9x


    I have overestimated the size of a bulge I have now and again. The doctor said just a harmless delusion and no treatment necessary.Good Luck Mate
  13. Some people are rich because they have worked very hard in their lives, and have spent their money on a large property which over the years has increased in value making them asset rich and relatively cash poor, as opposed to others who have had expensive holidays, cars, and very active costly social lives. Others have inherited from their relatives who have also made sacrifices to put their children in that position. Others have chosen job satisfaction or a cause as a priority over money, and some have chosen not to work at all, and of course some have been very unlucky or lucky for whatever
  14. Your view is that it's ok for Mr Crowe to live in a subsided council house whilst having a gross income in excess of £220,00 a year. My view is that this property should go to someone whose is homeless and cannot afford to buy or rent in the private sector. The days of the Rachmans are long gone, and now tenants have so many rights that it is often the landlords who are taken advantage of, if it were not for private landlords ( and I am not one ) there would be a massive shortage of properties to rent, and many more properties empty. I thought that rent charges were dictated by the market, an
  15. That don't mean it's subsidised though, that just shows the private rental sector and social housing providers have different profit margins.. The whole point of the private housing sector is to make money. The point of the social housing sector is to provide housing. Two totally different things so of course there's going to be disparity between them both.. My point was about subsidised housing though, not whether it was ethical for someone with a big wage to live in low cost housing meant for those who couldn't afford to buy their own place or rent private.. That is a different argument...
  16. That don't mean it's subsidised though, that just shows the private rental sector and social housing providers have different profit margins.. The whole point of the private housing sector is to make money. The point of the social housing sector is to provide housing. Two totally different things so of course there's going to be disparity between them both.. My point was about subsidised housing though, not whether it was ethical for someone with a big wage to live in low cost housing meant for those who couldn't afford to buy their own place or rent private.. That is a different argument...
  17. According to metro.co.uk. April 2011 Mr Crowe was at that stage paying £150.0 per week rent, whilst in the private sector it would of been £300 a week. Having been there for ten years he saved an estimated £78,000 on renting cost.
  18. Your view is that it's ok for Mr Crowe to live in a subsided council house whilst having a gross income in excess of £220,00 a year. My view is that this property should go to someone whose is homeless and cannot afford to buy or rent in the private sector. The days of the Rachmans are long gone, and now tenants have so many rights that it is often the landlords who are taken advantage of, if it were not for private landlords ( and I am not one ) there would be a massive shortage of properties to rent, and many more properties empty. I thought that rent charges were dictated by the market, an
  19. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here...the point your trying to make is not what I was suggesting. I don't know how it is in your part of the country but up here your council tax is calculated by the area in which you live. These Banded areas differ in the amount of Council tax they charge, say you lived in a caravan at one end of the street and your pal had a mansion at the other end you'd both be paying the same amount....capice! other than that I can't be arsed I'm going to my bed.....You quite good at avoiding the issues yourself Wilfy It was you that said that you thought
  20. Bob Crowe's earnings do seem paltry given the magnificent job he is doing looking after his members. Through negotiations, Crowe has managed to get his members a final salary pension scheme when virtually every employer in the country is withdrawing such schemes. Also, most staff are on around £50000 basic Well done that man! If the honours system wasn't so corrupt he would have been knighted for his stupendous achievments. . I think if you compared the salaries of CEOs of the various rail and maritime companies which employ Mr Crowe's members to the salaries of Bob Crowe and his members, t
  21. A good example of why in my opinion we still need to have unions.
  22. Bob Crowe's earnings do seem paltry given the magnificent job he is doing looking after his members. Through negotiations, Crowe has managed to get his members a final salary pension scheme when virtually every employer in the country is withdrawing such schemes. Also, most staff are on around £50000 basic Well done that man! If the honours system wasn't so corrupt he would have been knighted for his stupendous achievments. . I think if you compared the salaries of CEOs of the various rail and maritime companies which employ Mr Crowe's members to the salaries of Bob Crowe and his members, t
  23. I can understand this with certain breeds that are in fashion, but some of these are old pet dogs of not much value, and this is not counting the ones that are just listed as missing rather then stolen.
  24. I have no issue with what anyone earns or where they live as long as they pay their way... Why is living in council house an issue? My point being Mr Crowe who leads the RMT Union, and whom is very left wing, supporting various equal rights for all, gets a more equal wage then his members, I thought about £124,000 a year, but now having looked at Wikipedia it appears he's on over £140,000 a year, and his partner earns at least £,000 a year. I feel he should vacate his council property to a family who cannot afford to go into the private sector. I thought left wing views supported housing as
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