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About aquila

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    over the hills
  1. nice morning this morn so i took the camera out
  2. cheers lad al get cracking
  3. hi, does anyone know how to resize pictures so i can post them? computers arent my strong point
  4. My six year old daughter recently came lamping with me and likes to read the countrymans. While reading it one night she asked if she could join me the next time i "go out and kill a deer". I thought that she may be too young but she'd watched me skin and butcher deer before and was aware of the reality of the deer being a food source for our family, so i promised her the next fine evening we would go out and see if we could outwit a buck. Two weeks passed and she was still as eager as when she first asked. So last saturday an hour before sunset we set of with the .243 and strict instructions
  5. thanks everyone. i will get posting! might be some random stuff but what the hell
  6. hi am new to this site and i'm having a bit of bother getting in to my profile. when i try to access it, it comes up that i'm not allowed to view members profiles?! also i cant seem to upload my photos as it says they are to big?! any help would be welcome cheers
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