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About ferret-nooB

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. 2 jills and a hob for rehome. 1 jill is a poley and the hob and other jill are sandy, the girls have started off really well, both bolting bunnies every trip out, hope has been out once but just wanted to play. Have a hutch and run aswell but will need a few quid for these. Pm me if interested.
  2. Where in herts are you? Im always after rabbits for the ferrets and snakes, my permission is pretty much dead so the bunnies are thinning out in the freezer. Jono
  3. Cheers paulus Might do that jimmy
  4. Hi all, had a search for the post on calibrating my mk1 but cant find it, could someone point me in the right direction please, much appreciated. Jono
  5. Hi all, just wondering what batteries I need for mk1 collars? And the best place to get them? Best wishes Jono
  6. Hi all, looking for a good working jill, I know its a longshot but worth a try,im in Hertfordshire. Jono
  7. I had the exact same thing today, all the signs said they were home but my two jills just didnt seem interested, was out from 7.30 till 13 00 and only the one rabbit in the bag, may be time to think about getting a dog. Still good to be out though. Jono
  8. has this been sold?do you have any more?
  9. Yeah I couldn't believe how brilliant they were,pitty I didn't have more time though,going back to the same paddock next Sunday for round 2.
  10. Got up this morning at 5ish and had a coffee and bacon sarnie,loaded the van with all my gear and was off at about 6.30. Arrived at my new permission at 7.45 and went for a walk around to see if the warrens still looked good found a nice 10holer in quite thick cover so went and collected my stuff. Netted up and had a quick scope around for any missed holes. At this point the 6horses that call this paddock home decided to come see what I was doing thankfully I was deep enough in the cover for them to lose interest quite quickly and left me in peace.in went the polecat Jill and the sandy gill,b
  11. Is the finder still available,only ask as further up the page it says sold,if its still available I'd be interested so please let me know. Jon
  12. Ok mate no worries,if you decide to sell please let me know.
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