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Cliff Ray

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Everything posted by Cliff Ray

  1. I lost my cabbage so I have given up on the diet
  2. Maybe we can eat them as well, they should be tender
  3. So when reloading, can you save money on powder but get the same performance by keeping the cartridges in you pants until you want to shoot ?
  4. Surely if you can't persuade a current partner that you are safe with a gun there is a pretty big problem with the relationship and that should be looked at,
  5. Kev, I am sure rabbits don't care which one they are shot with
  6. The last time I went to to Felsted I had to lie about my age to buy a pint, but that was 1984......
  7. How near Chelmsford? I used to live in Highwood.
  8. Same goes for the rabbit I will eat tomorrow. After all I was supposed to be shooting pigeons today
  9. Of course my sister always calls me a boar, but I think that is a spelling mistake.
  10. You were called a pig? That's definitely not kosher.
  11. Just had to check the map. I didn't know Norfolk actually went that far north, I always assumed Scotland started before that
  12. I'm looking for someone that collects old .22 brass. It's either that or wait till I reach the tonne and take it for scrap
  13. Your only up the road from me so are welcome to have a look at my Anschutz.
  14. Thousands of Eley subsonics have gone through mine without a problem. Only time I get a misfire is when I fail to count to ten correctly
  15. The ammo needs to be in a separate case in the hold and declared so they can add an explosives tag to it. Put knives or anything else that might upset people in the case with your rifle. That always works for me.
  16. What size is a 5p in Wales? Here they look a lot smaller that 25mm
  17. Yeah, it is much cheaper to find someone else's camera
  18. Where in Kent are you? I may be able to use work as a pretence to come down with both calibres, so we can see which your rabbits prefer
  19. If it's anything like my last dog, just go with GIT. It saves confusion when it misbehaves
  20. The only gloves to use are the ones with the fold back trigger finger
  21. So if I see someone really ugly, should I assume it is you and say hello
  22. I will let you know after I go to the Suffolk one this weekend. Fortunately it's only a 10 minute drive.
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