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kill zone

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Everything posted by kill zone

  1. well thats not true you don't have to have a range finder to enjoy hunting.I hardly ever take my rangefinder out as i know all my ranges on my permission.Don't get me wrong i do love the rangefinder but hunting is just the same fun if you have one or not
  2. Any time jordan g don't listen to them your find good home's for them pal
  3. I've noticed that a lot of people on here think they always know best well you don't so keep your stupid comments to yourself.I think thats a good price for them and the bitches would be more BREEDING IS WHY.Hope you sell them all pal i would've had one but to far away atb
  4. Hi iv been trying to use decoys for a while now and i don't seem to be getting any luck with calling the birds over i don't know anything about decoy patterns.How to prepare the bird for a decoy and a lot more could someone help please atb
  5. what rifle is it? and what scopes do u have? is it a pcp/springer/co2?
  6. nice writeup look forward to hearing more atb
  7. your a lucky man get in there lol
  8. they look great.How does the fx shoot never shot one before
  9. what's the best decoy pattern for pigeons and how should they be sat out ?
  10. if you don't want to buy a crono then your local gun shop or range will have one my local gun smiths charges £5 a time which is worth it
  11. thanks guy's will give it a go and let you know later in the week atb
  12. If any one wants a new hunting outfit go for this one top dog stuff £10.99 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Army-Trousers-Fishing-Shooting-Paintball/dp/B0043EH304/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1351608388&sr=8-1 just thought it might help someone out me putting this us hear.Its well made strong little bit waterproof hard wearing the jacket has a zip up face mask built in witch is a good thing GET ONE
  13. If any one wants a new hunting outfit go for this one top dog stuff £10.99 http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/277-4174002-0095966?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=hunting+clothes just thought it might help someone out me putting this us hear.Its well made strong little bit waterproof hard wearing the jacket has a zip up face mask built in witch is a good thing GET ONE
  14. its 177 i have to take it back to the shop i bought if from.I used it today for target shooting and it was blowing chunks out of a fence post and my old s400 never did that so i think its going over sub 12 as that fence post is destroyed with about 15 pellets
  15. lol i dont know you pal but are thought are join in and wish you a happy birthday i won't call you name lol as i don't know you
  16. hunting hunting hunting

  17. as above states can u bait birds and rabbits ??? just like you can bait rats and mice
  18. I have been to the police station to show my paperwork as i have had a few problems with the public.Try the map as it seems a great idea i'm thinking of it now lol atb
  19. my mate has one and he has the same problem but hes going to sell his for a air arms 400/410/510 i own the s400f and its my best rifle cant go wrong with the weight accuracy i would sell it for a air arm any day and i even think the air arm s510 is a lot better then the r10 i have heard a lot of things going wrong with the r10 i used to own the r10 mk1 and the whole regulator moved this is just my opinion hope this helps
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