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Everything posted by AirgunGuy

  1. Turn the lamp on mate...can't see a thing ;-)
  2. Just seen this. Good stuff mate. Glad the bitch and pups are well ;-)
  3. We're gonny get f****d but who gives a flyin f**k??? MON THE BONNIE SCOTLAND ;-)
  4. 4 inch perforated pipe is probably what you're after ;-)
  5. Any plumbers merchants or B&Q or somewhere like that ;-)
  6. Was the Mitchell Match not blue in colour with a shallow spool if memory serves???
  7. I was over the moon with the first one of them i got, felt like i could catch bigger and better fish. Used to have a pair of them ,twinned with the awesome power of my 10ft Normark Black Medallion 1 3/4 test curve rods,thought I was Rod Hutchinson Used to be a common sound in the 80s,the flapping of the bale arm on the 300s and 410s mid cast as the spring failed Aye...my old man had a few of these in the 70's and early 80's. Screws always coming loose and shite springs in the bail arm. He had loads of bits for them...still got them I think. Takes me back to when I was a boy the old Mitchell
  8. As per usual...if it's bothering the dog or you then get it to the vet ;-)
  9. Love the wink...not too sure about its other eye though ;-)
  10. Mine are trying a bit of that also as the young hob seems to have discovered that he's got balls. They seem more full of carry on than anything else. I threw a raw rabbit carcass in to keep them occupied til they hopefully get used to each other. I'll keep a close eye on them for a while. As long as they don't try to kill each other ;-)
  11. I've just put my 1 yr old hob and 3 month old hob in together today and they're chasing each other all over the place and having a right old carry on. The older hob was on his own and looked miserable. The young hob was in with his mother but started trying to ride so had to separate them. They were in a small cage for a short time while I cleaned the hutch and seemed ok though there did seem to be a bit domineering going on. Anyway they're in the hutch now so time will tell ;-)
  12. Looking good. A full strip and re-do was always gonna be the best way to go about it. You'll be glad you did now? A nice wee adjustable butt plate and you'll be ready to go ;-)
  13. Get the snares down last light and pick up the rabbits 1st light ;-)
  14. The old saying is "you won't catch anything if your line's not in the water"!!!There's every chance you'll catch during to hottest, brightest part of the day but you'll increase your chances by fishing late in the evening and/or early in the morning. Also depends on what you're fishing for. If your fishing for game species...salmon, seatrout, rainbows, brownies etc then, by a long way your best chances are early and late unless it's seatrout then during the hours of darkness on a dark, muggy night ;-)
  15. Tell the vet the only way fresh pork will kill a mutt is if the owner slaps it over the noggin with half a side of it. ...or jaw bone
  16. So they're not gagging for water all the time then???
  17. I will ask her in the morning if she's been thirsty Haha Never given mine any pork as it supposedly has a high salt content. I'm sure there's been a few posts on here about it
  18. Isn't pig flesh too salty for dogs?
  19. Lost interest in it all long ago other than team performances which have been shite. From what i can gather there's a power struggle at the top for whatever reason. Maybe Watty will come out and say exactly what's going on at the top. I hope he does for the diehards that are still stupid enough to give them their hard earned. ....and McCoist the legend he was on the field has to go. 7-8 players in and dissappointment already. Stuart McCall or big Butcher...that's if they would take it...doubt it though!!!
  20. Well done to the man that eventually had the balls to go to the door...and to get him lifted into the bargain. Hopefully everyone that's been scammed comes forward so the the law can see the full extent of his bullshit. What about scumbag no. 2...his brother? Surely he'll be next for the porridge???
  21. and nice+easy , maybe get close to the rabbit at 1st, once the dogs knows the crack, give longer slips, you will soon pick it up and the dog, just enjoy the night out+ dog As above. I started by walking up to the rabbit with the dog on the lead and as soon as it went i slipped the dog. Now i just send him down the beam as he knows there will be something there
  22. The hob if he's young enough has to be worth 30-40 quid at least and if the jill has been working then another 10 quid...40-50 quid wouldn't be an insulting offer imho. Remember that you won't have the hassle of jills in season every year and if they've been working then you will have ferrets ready to go
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