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Everything posted by AirgunGuy

  1. When's the next litter planned for Stephen?
  2. Nonsense!!! I decided that I wouldn't touch this rifle with a barge pole after 1 of your messages. I asked who carried out the work and you replied "a local gunsmith"! When I asked which 1, your reply was..."well it was actually a friend of a friend that knows a bit about guns"! Now A&M has supposedly done some work in it. How many times now has it been stripped and put back together??? And judging by the pm's I've had since 1st posting on this thread and the lack of response to your sale or swap for the 5th time in a month it would appear that most people agree!!!
  3. Many offers have been made for this rifle...including 1 from me. Spent time taking pics and sending them via email. Got no reply and a couple of days later it was withdrawn with still no pm or email. This rifle must've been up for sale and withdrawn at least 4 times in the last month. Either sell the fcukin thing or withdraw it for good and stop messing people around!!! Not messing anyone around I'm not just going to swap it for any rifle I'm after the right one so fcuk off Not messing anyone around??? How many times has this been up for sale or swap in the last month? How many times has
  4. I've seen these dogs and they are crackers. Stephen and his grandpa, Bob are a couple of crackin blokes and very knowledgeable also ;-)
  5. Many offers have been made for this rifle...including 1 from me. Spent time taking pics and sending them via email. Got no reply and a couple of days later it was withdrawn with still no pm or email. This rifle must've been up for sale and withdrawn at least 4 times in the last month. Either sell the fcukin thing or withdraw it for good and stop messing people around!!!
  6. No matter which way you look at it mate...hare coursing is illegal whether we like it or not!!! If it has been brought to the attention of the cops then whoever is coursing in that area isn't very good at being discreet as they're obviously waking up and upsetting farmers, livestock etc...and plenty of them if the cops are using all these resources. I'm sure they know the extent to which hare coursing goes on and not by the calls from farmers day or night...just by looking on here at the amount of nuggets that broadcast it to the whole world!!! And to moan about paedos, junkies etc is
  7. Where in Scotland you coming to mate?
  8. THE FILTERS ARE FCUKIN JOKE MATE... Aye they're a joke right enough bud. I took 2 of the legs off the red 1 and it still makes a hell of clatter going on or off and it's no easier either :-/ The mate used the Lazerlite with filter for scanning and I had the 170 so that worked out well ;-)
  9. Mate has just got a saluki/whippet/grey. She around 24 tts and a nice racey bitch. 22 months old but hadn't done much. She's been out on the lamp twice and took to it well. I'll get a pic of her and put it up ;-)
  10. The Lazerlite is the 1st lamp I reach for on rabbits. Compared it to the 170 last week and the wee Lazerlite is as bright as the 170. The difference being that the beam on the 170 is adjustable so it beats it at range. Very underestimated wee lamp the Lazerlite. Compact enough to fit in the pocket...has the gate light which is a superb feature and the filter setup is excellent. Simply flip it up and no loud noise like the Lightforce setup and the overspill from the Lightforce filters can affect your vision...not to mention they make a racket when taking off or putting on ;-)
  11. are you psychic I knew you were gonna say that ;-)
  12. I've a 170 with dimmer. Dimmer totally useless imo and never use it. Tried it a couple of times but only at the highest settings is it of any use for lamping anything. They would've been better putting a secondary bulb or gate light on it as Cluson have with their Laserlite.
  13. Lead acid batteries run down faster in colder weather...might not be that noticeable but they do. Lithium might be different.
  14. Might be worth a call to Deben...put your mind at rest...before the warranty runs out ;-)
  15. Does cold weather affect them? I think it affects lead acid type batteries. Maybe you won't get as long out of it on a colder night.
  16. I may be wrong but a 100w lamp with 14ah battery will only give you approx 1 1/2 hrs continuous use :-)
  17. Just spent 10 mins reading this pish!!! What a fcukin joke, bitchin about some ban and few points!!! Either fcuk off mate or shut the fcuk up and get on with it!!! Now a lot of the forum is decent but, by fcuk, some people know how to make a fcukin total arse of themselves!!! Delete this sh1te and post somethin decent ffs!!!
  18. Don't have much in the way of ferreting ground and most of the fields near me are small so it would be my wee whippet and a lamp ;-)
  19. If it's bigger more open fields then the bigger dog has the advantage but in smaller fields where they need to catch quick and with a lot of turning...you can't beat the wee dogs ;-) Seen NL's wee Blue work and he's superb at what he does ;-)
  20. Remember also mate that she's just a pup starting out so it'll all be new to her ;-)
  21. Agree with above. Done plenty lamping with mine last season. As soon as the beam is on something and if he can't see it...a pssst and he's off down the beam as he knows something will be there. Your dog given some time and experience will trust you and will know that when you're sending the dog down the beam he will know something will be there for him.
  22. He was just a drunken bitter cnut and an embarrassment off the field but on the field he was superb...there's no takin that away from him
  23. You might be right, Andy Goram used to play for them and we know how liked to wear tights Aye...on his heed I dunno if he played for Scotland but I think he did. He was apparently better at cricket that football which is astonishing cos he was without doubt the best keeper I ever have had the misfortune of watching save after save after save He did play cricket for the Scotland cricket team. Think they were sh1te though!!! As a keeper he was a 1 off...always at his best against celtic as you and TB knew
  24. You might be right, Andy Goram used to play for them and we know how liked to wear tights Aye...on his heed
  25. Scotland has a cricket team??? Probably made up of english immigrant homosexual X Morris dancers ;-)
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