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About maximus33

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    west yorkshire
  1. saw something interesting while wer on the suibject of curs... There are a couple of breeds of dog in southern USA called cur dogs - Mountain Curs and Carolina Curs http://www.treemypcc.com/ They are Squirrel hunting dogs thatare bred to tree squirells.... The parnell bred Carolina curs certainly look as though they have been bred down in part from bulldogs and patterdales so they possibly were originally given the name curs as they were failed box/earth/boar dogs that were vocal - thus curs................................ interesting.
  2. ? whats up im being serious, dont think they was ment to breed but they did and pups are corkers They're culls mate....buy a purpose bred pup not a battersea lucky dip corky john whats a cull do you not mean a cur ? a mongrel are all lurchers not mongrels If that is a genuine question: A cull is a dog not worth keeping............ to further the breed you should cull anything that doesnt make the grade. It is how natures job of 'survival of the fittest' is replicated. In a wolf pack it is the alpha pair that breed and this ensures that pups that are produced are of best x best.........
  3. One cross I have seen work this sort of land well is jack russell x whippet. Im sure a beddy x would do the trick also and I wouldnt mind trying a patterdale x either.. It is very very thick cover here so I would definatley rather have some terrier in the mix - if it was just normal bushes I would agree... Can anyone point me in the direction of any decent dogs/pups?
  4. I am looking for a good terrier x whippet for a bit of rabbiting/bushing etc... It will be working on the heather moorland - dense cover... I would prefer to buy a young started dog but I am interested in puppies also... Thanks
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