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Everything posted by kranky

  1. Am I missing something? Where does it say that they were beaten? It just says severely injured. Maybe the sire to the pups or another dog tried to kill them. Maybe there was an accident. If they'd been beaten, why take them to an animal shelter? Why not just chuck them in a river? I know Scotchland is a brutal and lawless place but I think there's more to this.
  2. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    i am not cheerleading mate i know he does not need me standing up for him i just hate any kind of bullying especially when you know the person and you know it would not happen in real life. i have not been on the Internet long enough to know how it works maybe its not for me i just hate verbal bullies who throw there weight around with words you are right most blokes who can handle themself i have known have manners and don't need to do that I know your a sound guy Peter, that's plain to see and can be forgiven for being naive when it comes to how this place works. I like Kranky, I see a
  3. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    I'm actually a professor of history at Kings College in Oxford so I don't need you to give me snippets of information that you've got from the Discovery channel! Look at your examples of Muslim fighting, guerrilla wars, killing civilians, beheadings of women and children, terrorist atrocities. That's my point, they can't have a proper toe to toe tear up. They're sneaky, much like Subaw. Pretending to be women and creeping about. The similarities between the prisoner who escaped in the Bhurka and our Celtic friend are shocking. I know that you get grooming tips from The Taliban Times and
  4. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    I'm actually a professor of history at Kings College in Oxford so I don't need you to give me snippets of information that you've got from the Discovery channel! Look at your examples of Muslim fighting, guerrilla wars, killing civilians, beheadings of women and children, terrorist atrocities. That's my point, they can't have a proper toe to toe tear up. They're sneaky, much like Subaw. Pretending to be women and creeping about. The similarities between the prisoner who escaped in the Bhurka and our Celtic friend are shocking. I know that you get grooming tips from The Taliban Times and
  5. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    Well said mate, tell him how they do rats by air dropping poison, I'll bet you beat him there..... Are they the New Zealand guys that flew to Scotland in their helicopters? They did a fantastic job, killing 130,000 rats, 1,460 badgers, 600 Otters, 456 cats and an elderly Postmistress.
  6. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    No I don't!!!!..................................Dickhead!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The mini cattys are real hardtop shoot well, IMO. You can buy cheap Chinese frames for about £5 on ebay but they aren't usually steel. Some of the zinc frames could break. They don't all do it, I've got a zinc one that I've had for ages that's fine, but it's never had a fork strike or been dropped. Dankung post to the UK, in about 4 days if you pay for express shipping or about 2 weeks with standard. Their frames are stainless steel or better. The Axe Hunter or American Fox are a couple of decent ones that they sell and they are relatively cheap.
  8. I use TBG on most of my hunting frames. But I also hunt with 107 bands and different types of tube. I like Dankungs, I normally only shoot naturals but I like the way these frames fit in your pocket and hand. The looped tubes are quick with steel and don't have the heavy draw weight that TBG can have. I need to have a day with different ammo and learn the different aimpoints.
  9. Banded with looped 1745's and a kangaroo leather pouch. I grabbed a feral for the ferrets this morning, it was roosting under a bridge, 15ft up and about 20 yards away. I had missed a couple of others with 12mm steel and so I grabbed an M 8 hexnut as I know how these shoot. The bird sat up to look at me and my first shot at it hit it square in the face. It pitched forward, hit the floor, flapped onto its back and span around in a circle, before lying still. The hexnut took out it's eye and smashed the right side of the skull. I need to practice some more with the 12mm steel ball to
  10. What a prick I am!! I still f****d my sums up! I'll bid again in the morning!
  11. It may get lost in amongst the other stuff. It's a specialist item and deserves its own topic.
  12. Sorry, bit pissed, didn't do my sums, £115 for all 3 books.
  13. Sorry, bit pissed, didn't do my sums, £115 for all 3 books.
  14. oh ffs give us a break lads ... I keep getting out bid on everything Ye can't hide that in a biscuit tin and put a cheeky wee bid in I hate internet auctions Lol!! What would you like?
  15. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    I'm actually a professor of history at Kings College in Oxford so I don't need you to give me snippets of information that you've got from the Discovery channel! Look at your examples of Muslim fighting, guerrilla wars, killing civilians, beheadings of women and children, terrorist atrocities. That's my point, they can't have a proper toe to toe tear up. They're sneaky, much like Subaw. Pretending to be women and creeping about. The similarities between the prisoner who escaped in the Bhurka and our Celtic friend are shocking. I know that you get grooming tips from The Taliban Times a
  16. I use the castration bands to fix some of my flats on. I always wrap tape or fabric plaster around my bands though and this helps keep them in place. This Roe antler pickle fork is rigged with 107's and they're held in place with castration bands and surgical tape.
  17. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    In fairness, if he did touch her he needs a slap, she's a f***ing rotter!
  18. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    Stewie, I'll try and be gentle with you, I know how fragile you are and that you could storm off at any minute and sulk for a couple of months. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SIKH'S AND MUSLIMS!!! The men involved in the grooming of the young girls were Muslim. A fact that the media and police played down. If you think it's acceptable for a young girl to beat up an old man then there is something wrong with you!!! I think your fragile mental state has been demonstrated here before but please don't get upset if no ones agrees that it's acceptable. where did i say it was accepta
  19. kranky

    Chavy Scum

    Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Lol!! I'm not boring or grumpy. I might be a bit mental but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'd say its a good thing, at least your true to yourself. Aye, and who cares if you die a lonely old virgin despised all your life, it happens Better to be hated than to have no one notice you exist. I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED!!!!!!...............................................................................................................But not by any of you massive kunts!! that's the thing about on here, when I started I wanted to be hat
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