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Everything posted by kranky

  1. they just aint got it for long hard work they are sprint dogs they burn out to quick with lactic acid build up . bottom linr a good lurcher is allways better Whilst they ain't got the wind of a saluki or deerhound they ain't finished after a short sprint and cramped up. ffs exactly they are sprint dogs fast twitch muscles if i was you id get a hamster you know fanny f..k about dogs How many times have you been to Clonmel or the Altcar and seen them run? Fanny f..k all? You've seen nothing but are an expert!!! your oviously mentally chalanged ill leave it with
  2. What are.you on about? The majority of greyhounds in this country are used for racing but this isn't about racing dogs. You're such a fan of quoting me, show me where I said greyhounds had great feet. They haven't got feet that get smashed up everytime they're out, anymore than any other dog. Some have good feet some have bad feet. You've not answered my questions with regard to the other breeds I mentioned because you do t know the answers. Long toes don't make a dog slower or more prone to injury. A faster dog is more likely to hit stuff than a slower dog? Are you seriously offering that u
  3. What are.you on about? The majority of greyhounds in this country are used for racing but this isn't about racing dogs. You're such a fan of quoting me, show me where I said greyhounds had great feet. They haven't got feet that get smashed up everytime they're out, anymore than any other dog. Some have good feet some have bad feet. You've not answered my questions with regard to the other breeds I mentioned because you do t know the answers. Long toes don't make a dog slower or more prone to injury. A faster dog is more likely to hit stuff than a slower dog? Are you seriously offering that u
  4. I don't think one is better than the other, I see the different qualities in other types of Lurcher too. I may never want to own one but it doesn't mean I can't admire the qualities that make them excel. I run a Lurcher/longdog myself at the moment and for what I want he's better than a pure grey. I don't like people slagging off an entire breed and spreading nonsense about the working ability of that breed when they have no experience or knowledge of the breed in question.
  5. What are.you on about? The majority of greyhounds in this country are used for racing but this isn't about racing dogs. You're such a fan of quoting me, show me where I said greyhounds had great feet. They haven't got feet that get smashed up everytime they're out, anymore than any other dog. Some have good feet some have bad feet. You've not answered my questions with regard to the other breeds I mentioned because you do t know the answers. Long toes don't make a dog slower or more prone to injury. A faster dog is more likely to hit stuff than a slower dog? Are you seriously offering that
  6. What are you on about? The majority of greyhounds in this country are used for racing but th
  7. they just aint got it for long hard work they are sprint dogs they burn out to quick with lactic acid build up . bottom linr a good lurcher is allways better Whilst they ain't got the wind of a saluki or deerhound they ain't finished after a short sprint and cramped up. ffs exactly they are sprint dogs fast twitch muscles if i was you id get a hamster you know fanny f..k about dogs How many times have you been to Clonmel or the Altcar and seen them run? Fanny f..k all? You've seen nothing but are an expert!!!
  8. they just aint got it for long hard work they are sprint dogs they burn out to quick with lactic acid build up . bottom linr a good lurcher is allways better Whilst they ain't got the wind of a saluki or deerhound they ain't finished after a short sprint and cramped up.
  9. What about deerhound crosses? Do they have bad feet? They got long toes. What about bull crosses? How do you find their feet? Which side do you want them to take regarding feet? If any of the above are too hard for you to answer you are allowed to ring a member of your poacher family for help.
  10. All your years of experience and your family of poachers should've taught you that any dog can hit a fence regardless of breeding and regardless of training and entering. How many lurchers have been killed or injured running into stuff? Loads more than greyhounds be ause loads more are used for lamping. Does that make it a fault in all lurchers?
  11. I made mention of the fact that they can turn if allowed to run in the field and also of coursing dogs that were used for lamping and mooching. I never mentioned ex racers but then again I didn't expect people who were giving such definitive and negative advice about a dogs working abilities would base their findings on ex racers. Dogs that either haven't made the grade or are well past their prime and unsuitable for breeding. I've worked pure greys both here and in Ireland, dogs that were bred to work not race. I also owned a dog that made it to the semi finals of the Springbok at Wimble
  12. I've not changed anything, I stand by it all. People write crap about greyhounds because they've not seen true workers. I k ow they're writing crap because I've seen proper workers. I've not moved the goalposts. It now turns out that I was right and you've only seen ex track dogs. You're not the best person to be giving advice on them are you?
  13. In which field did you learn about feudal law and laws of the chase? Surely if your family of generations old poachers knew anything they wouldn't have kept taking greyhounds into the field for you to see so many. Unless they were poachers who liked to take friends along for a walk with their useless dogs. You're getting Bawing now! You said that the greyhound that was the best you saw was excellent and now you say that it was crap, make your mind up! I'd take a greyhound into a field with double barbed wire on the lamp, why wouldn't I? Are you saying that a bull x, saluki, etc will fair
  14. That's the problem, most people's experience of greyhounds in the field is ex track dogs that've been taken in to use as stud dogs or brood bitches for breeding lurchers. These dogs have run the oval on sand and have known nothing else. They've never had to turn or stop.
  15. Hahahahaha!!! I hadn't even seen your post when I started typing!! Don't take it as a personal attack, read it properly. I wasn't implying anything towards a post I hadn't even read. Do some research with regards to the hunting laws of old. You can get reprints of books of statute relating to the New Forest and Ashdown Forest. You can also research laws passed by Cromwell. If you're interested in that stuff, bypass Google and go to the British library, that's what I did. The greyhound isn't useless and never was viewed like that. Again do some research instead of watching Braveheart
  16. Hahahahaha!!! I hadn't even seen your post when I started typing!! Don't take it as a personal attack, read it properly. I wasn't implying anything towards a post I hadn't even read. Do some research with regards to the hunting laws of old. You can get reprints of books of statute relating to the New Forest and Ashdown Forest. You can also research laws passed by Cromwell. If you're interested in that stuff, bypass Google and go to the British library, that's what I did. The greyhound isn't useless and never was viewed like that. Again do some research instead of watching Braveheart
  17. The use of pastoral dogs to produce lurchers goes back to the times when the common man couldn't own any dog above terrier size unless it was used for herding/droving. Put a rough coat over a longdog and call it a herding dog. No one's any the wiser and your dog has the speed to take game without falling foul of the law. People have followed on from this and added their own choice of dogs to the mix depending on the work they would see, the fashion at the time and, in some cases, which pups would sell for the most. It's surprising the amount of people that can give an opinion on pure grey
  18. Are you getting all 3 birds next year?
  19. Run her single, don't double her up. They can be feckers for sitting back and letting the other dog do the work.
  20. I think like any animal its about rules and routines. I think if you can create respect from the dog then it is workable. I have a friend who worked salukis with his fal con with great success and he said he thinks salukis are naturally respectful of falcons (they are the only dogs the arabs dont dislike) I know someone else who did this in very enclosed countryside with success too but it was by fault then intention he started doing it. I came on here because you guys know dogs better then falconers How did the bloke who did it in very enclosed countryside manage it? What dog did he u
  21. I know, you dried it in the microwave. I was merely saying that the piece of advice with regards to drying it in the airing cupboard was very optimistic.
  22. I think like any animal its about rules and routines. I think if you can create respect from the dog then it is workable. I have a friend who worked salukis with his fal con with great success and he said he thinks salukis are naturally respectful of falcons (they are the only dogs the arabs dont dislike) I know someone else who did this in very enclosed countryside with success too but it was by fault then intention he started doing it. I came on here because you guys know dogs better then falconers How did the bloke who did it in very enclosed countryside manage it? What dog did he u
  23. It'll need a lot more than a week in the airing cupboard to dry anywhere near properly.
  24. Well then I'd suggest you get a Musket and a licence for blackbirds or buy a Gos and fly it from the fist. Whilst I understand what you're trying to do, it won't work here. The hares that are run by the Arab guys with Salukis and Gyrs are in an open desert with hundreds of yards between small pieces of sparse cover. If you've ever seen a dog run a hare you'll understand why your plan won't work. There's no collie blood in the salukis in the desert and they know their place is lower than the birds, even when there's 5 or 6 of them.
  25. Unless you've got permission on a load of Arabian desert this isn't going to work. Just put the hare up yourself, once the falcons got some height. Putting a dog in the mix on even the biggest fields in this country is a recipe for disaster.
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