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Everything posted by kranky

  1. Yeah you are, Dogfeet!! Luke is a genius and a fantastic social commentator! When he takes political office, I'm backing his corner and he'll get my vote! He's the breath of fresh air that this forum needs! Back off and let the man talk!! I hope none of my comments, above, affect our friendship and my chance of joining you for a spot of lunch and a fizzy lager. I can assure you your chances of getting lunch out of me are exactly the same as they were before your comment. Fantastic work!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
  2. Yeah you are, Dogfeet!! Luke is a genius and a fantastic social commentator! When he takes political office, I'm backing his corner and he'll get my vote! He's the breath of fresh air that this forum needs! Back off and let the man talk!! I hope none of my comments, above, affect our friendship and my chance of joining you for a spot of lunch and a fizzy lager.
  3. Really?? The price of Heroin is obviously far too cheap, you're clearly buying it by the bucketload! Grave robbing is not a means to an end, how about we dig your nan up and use her as a scarecrow on my vegetable patch? It'll be a means to an end because my peas will do well this year. If it wasn't for animal experimentation, worldwide medicine would be at least 50 years behind where it is today. Rather 50,00 squeaking annoying Guinea Pigs die than 1 child. I also like ladies to wear make up and when they kiss me not make my eyes itch and my skin go blotchy. LD50 tests have prevent
  4. Westy has a bit of a thing going with the van driver, sick really but each to there own. I'd rather pay top money than have that sweaty delivery bloke getting stuck into me.
  5. im not saying that but to try the sport you dont need a dog! you need a tag along! this way if you dont like it or grow out of it thers no harm done but if you had of bought a pup and decided it wasnt for you then thers just another pup done wrong by. so if you have no idea of training a dog or buying a pup beacause toy would like to 'TRY' then my thoughts are no you shouldnt get a dog until no what your doing. It's hard for some people to get a someone to take them out. What if you don't know anyone that hunts? I wouldn't take just anyone out with me, they could be on here as a member fo
  6. Blaise, ce n'est pas un problème. If I was digging with you and that's how it's done in France then I'd happily release. The UK isn't France, everywhere is Chasse Gardee and there are less hunters. Our numbers of quarry are a lot higher than those in France.
  7. Give me a fecking break!! I'm trying to drive home and argue on the Internet!! I did find it a bit strange, the whole US thing. So you are saying that you agree with me and I'm right. That's an end to the matter as far as I'm concerned then. Thanks. Lol!! I agree that its about testing your dogs, but why make it that hard unless you've got nice shallow dens in soft ground. We ain't got the luxury of being able to release after a dig or we fall foul of the law.
  8. And before you reply, answer my points about problems with dug and released game, otherwise it'll be another load of pointless whining. My dogs don't whine, my kids don't whine so I don't have to listen to it from you.
  9. Don't get all precious and offended. You called me a clown and made assumptions about me. US terriermen have got more types if quarry to dig to than UK terriermen, so that's not an excuse. Respect for quarry, marksmanship, safety and fieldxraft are all areas where the UK is leaps and bounds ahead of the US. There's no bag limits here. If I type Worlds Worst Hunter into the search bar on YouTube, how many videos do you think will be from the UK and how many will be from the US? My dogs aren't in question here, I've already stated that there's no shortage of quarry for them and they alway
  10. So, answer the points I've raised then, you moron. So it's beneficial to put game in areas where it isn't but what about digging something that's been dug and released? There's no problems associated with that? Where did I say I don't enjoy it? Nowhere!!! I just don't struggle to find quarry to dig. I don't need to move stuff about, if you ain't got enough permission maybe your dogs ain't good enough and people don't want you on their land or maybe there's plenty about but your dogs can't find it. Maybe you need to change your dogs,
  11. Stating that you don't agree with baiting an animal for the sake of baiting it isn't ironic. Would it be ironic if I said that the people in Pakistan who declaw, muzzle and tether bears before setting dogs on them are wrong to do so, simply because that's illegal here? I feel you don't quite understand what irony is. I will always defend the way that anyone chooses to hunt and will be the first to state cultural differences as a reason for practices that we may not agree with (check out the Dogo and Patt thread in this section) However, when practices will cause an animal to react in s
  12. I like coursing, I like lamping and I like digging. My point is, why dig anything if you're not going to despatch it? Anything that goes to ground and has been educated by being dug and released will be harder to dig in future and potentially dangerous. There's more of a tendency for it to the keep the dogs moving, the second any digging starts then that animal is going to move away. Your dogs will be down a long time and there's going to be a lot of wasted digging. There's also the risk of your quarry digging on and the potential for your dog to become buried. Your dogs could get smashed up b
  13. Stating that you don't agree with baiting an animal for the sake of baiting it isn't ironic. Would it be ironic if I said that the people in Pakistan who declaw, muzzle and tether bears before setting dogs on them are wrong to do so, simply because that's illegal here? I feel you don't quite understand what irony is. I will always defend the way that anyone chooses to hunt and will be the first to state cultural differences as a reason for practices that we may not agree with (check out the Dogo and Patt thread in this section) However, when practices will cause an animal to react in s
  14. Stating that you don't agree with baiting an animal for the sake of baiting it isn't ironic. Would it be ironic if I said that the people in Pakistan who declaw, muzzle and tether bears before setting dogs on them are wrong to do so, simply because that's illegal here? I feel you don't quite understand what irony is. I will always defend the way that anyone chooses to hunt and will be the first to state cultural differences as a reason for practices that we may not agree with (check out the Dogo and Patt thread in this section) However, when practices will cause an animal to react in s
  15. The thread is about big dogs, not about breeding and heart. It's not shit about inches to the shoulder, if the dogs ain't 27" TTS and above then they ain't got any place on this thread. How does it work with a well bred, big dog that's got loads of heart? While I agree that they're both important, heart and breeding is never gonna make a dog truly fast.
  16. Your words. BTW, its illegal to interfere with badger setts - The antis live for people like you - bait an animal and then release it to be baited again. My words. The language you are using in your post make me wonder are you some king of grass or weird closet anti? Errrrrrrrrrrrr??????? Your point is? I honesty don't need your help in keeping up with the thread. I know exactly what I said and exactly what you said. I've not claimed you've said anything that you haven't.
  17. To call someone a grass because you got a poor argument is a cnuts trick. Grasses are on a par with nonces where I'm from. Anyway, you pulled the trick so take from that what you will.
  18. With respect, its sort of one of them questions which says more about the person asking, one day you may realise the answer. What is the answer? I'm asking because I can't see any answer other than you're the sort of person that wants dogs to bait an animal and then release it to be baited again. If it needs digging then dig it and kill it. If it doesn't need removing then leave it alone.Should I take bunnies out of my lurchers mouth and set them free for him to run them again? If you're that worried about being able to find game to get another dig or wiping out a local population, then
  19. With respect, its sort of one of them questions which says more about the person asking, one day you may realise the answer. What is the answer? I'm asking because I can't see any answer other than you're the sort of person that wants dogs to bait an animal and then release it to be baited again. If it needs digging then dig it and kill it. If it doesn't need removing then leave it alone.Should I take bunnies out of my lurchers mouth and set them free for him to run them again? If you're that worried about being able to find game to get another dig or wiping out a local population, then
  20. 2 years old and 30TTS 3/8 x 5/8 DH x GH. He can get down to pick up bunnies if needed. Top speed is phenomenal, he can be in top gear within 5 strides and can run on any ground. He can turn, jump anything his quarry can and get the power down quick enough to get back on terms with anything that slips past him. This fella was a first x DH x GH and was 32TTS. He was a fantastic fox dog and killed plenty. He needed some room to wind up though and only got into top gear when he had the room to stretch out. He caught a few bunnies but struggled with them and couldn't turn as well as my c
  21. I don't agree with you about the fishing or the catch and release digging but I'll respect your point of view because there's a reasoned argument to your thinking. I've got plenty of time for people if they have valid reasons for their point of view.....................................even if they are WRONG!!!!!!!
  22. Why have they taken to the lamp? Did they not make the grade during the day? I don't know you fella, you might be the King of the coursing community, but the fellas I know that are in to coursing and have proper dogs would never run their dogs at night, even with Wembley Stadiums floodlights.
  23. Exactly. I'm not trying to do a great service to the farming/keeping community, protecting environmental health or helping prevent world hunger. I hunt because I enjoy it. If I didn't I'd want paying for it. But I have respect for all my quarry and if I don't need to kill something I'll leave it alone and let it be. Dig whatever you like but do it for the right reasons and finish the job.
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