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About Cappsytheferreter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    North Yorkshire
  1. Thanks a lot fellas really helpful all advise will be used when I go to look at a litter
  2. Hi all I'm 17 and have had ferrets since I was 14 my folks have never been into hunting so have taught myself along the way with books websites forums etc. I've been out lamping a fair bit with mates and I've finally convinced the folks to let me get a lurcher the litter I'll be picking from is my mams farriers just wondering what would you look for in a pup when looking at a litter. Also we've got a cocker bitch so would a dog or bitch be more suitable for them to get along. Thanks Cappsy
  3. Can you lamp with a full bedlington
  4. How often do ferrets die from castrations and have you known of it
  5. Hi on one of my permissions there's loads of warrens under the trees and I'm having trouble getting the purse nets to go on the holes properly lost 4 today because of it any help and advise much appreciated.
  6. Hi on one of my permissions there's loads of warrens under the trees and I'm having trouble getting the purse nets to go on the holes properly lost 4 today because of it any help and advise much appreciated.
  7. Hi on one of my permissions there's loads of warrens under the trees and I'm having trouble getting the purse nets to go on the holes properly lost 4 today because of it any help and advise much appreciated.
  8. Does castrating change personality?
  9. He used to but he was anti social with other ferrets this old git was gonna give him the spade so I took him in
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