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Everything posted by swamphunter

  1. nice pics an good looking dogs , you needa send a few over to texas what kind of vest you use ? i use a pigga frigga vest on my stag do you use any from them
  2. lol see im doing good till you get to the clamp down part haha i just dont want it to be a big ol snappin turtle
  3. we mostly catch them with dogs alot more fun !!! an you can sell a dead hog , when i do shoot them i usally use my 22 mag . head shots so not to waste an meat, hogs are tough an if you dont hit the heart lungs , brain or something they will live with just gettin hit in leg or something , have cleaned one that had a bullet stuck in shoulder bone , an have seen a few people catch 3 legged hogs texas has land that is dessert to nasty swamp an all in between , so some places are harder to hunt with dogs or shoot just depends on where in the state you are , we hunt all over you can tell th
  4. Ya they can run !! My stag has a good holding style he catch on the ear an gets up close to the hog an kinda walks in s circle with them , but yes some big hogs will sling the dogs around a little till they get there footing together , The slaughter house buys them they will buy as many as you can bring , an sone high fence ranches what big tooth hogs
  5. They are long nose gar an flat head catfish , No I didn't noodle them lol I like all my fingers attached just the way they are haha
  6. We take most alive to sell but some are in places where it's hard to get them to 4 wheeler or truck so we kill those As far as the sighthounds , A wild hog is extremely fast alot of people think they are not but a bulldog has no chance of running down a 150 to 225 pound hog out in an open feild , now a smaller hog or bigger hog yes but he better be a fast bulldog , I mostly use my stag for open feild hunting an after the cur dogs bay one I can send him in to catch it , a hog is like a bulldozer he can go fast in the open an in thick brush he will out run most dogs in the open an in thick b
  7. good looking dogs wish i had a pair of them , had a good one but she got ran over out hunting , nice fox too sounds like fun
  8. a little ones better than none hahaha my dogs dont care if its little if it smells like a pig thats all that matters
  9. NICE !!! is there just rabbits every where or what ? it would take me a month to catch that many here
  10. How so? they act like hogs are so deadly , an will hunt you down an eat you . they also complain about hunting in the swamp saying theres no hogs in there , give me a break hogs love the swamp , just alot of over acting drama thats not all true , they act like they need 4 people to hobble a 120 pound hog give me a break my girlfriend can do i by her self an she may weigh 120 pound
  11. very good looking , i bet she puts a crunch on them bunnies
  12. heres my little bulldog 45 pounds of hog catching machine
  13. heres my little bulldog 45 pounds of hog catching machine
  14. Nice pics , pretty country forsure , what kind of dog is the little grey an white one ? Good looking lil fella
  15. come to texas an run some hogs , an we got jack rabbits coyotes an fox , maybe one day i will get to vist europe
  16. He catches them on the ear an holds the he kind of walks around in circles with them I will try to get video soon Kinda hard some times to get good pics an video of the action I hunt sometimes by my self so it can be a little tough when it's just you an one dog but a heck of a lot of fun !! An more exciting
  17. Oh wow that's wild , I didn't know it was so strict over there , y'all can't have pitbulls either ? I would be in trouble I have 4 : ) an they anti goin no where I guess I'm lucky I live in Texas no breed restrictions , but y'all sure look like y'all have alot of fun catching all the rabbits with ferrets an lurchers
  18. Thanks for kind words , Got a question though what are y'all meaning by bottle ?? Also I'm not sure what's all in him The coyote hunters here breed greysxdeer hounds x wolfhounds an they call them stags so I'm not sure whAt percentage of what he is , I'm planning on breeding him To a greyhound and or a stag then adding a little bit of pitbull to the mix
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