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Everything posted by JAE B

  1. just spoke to lenn he said he,ll run you with his jacker field or fenn for as much as you like if you want his num let me know
  2. just spoke to l moss baw he said he,ll run you with his jacker field or fen for as much money as you like
  3. good pics mate and dogs looking great atb
  4. nice pups well bred of good parents which is a start atb with them mate
  5. nice bitch bud hope she gets a good home atb
  6. saw lenny run on utube looked a handy big dog
  7. saw it getting done once because the dog wouldnt use his mouth was ashame
  8. nice pups parents look good aswell
  9. gotchaaaaaaaaaa Are you getting a stutter tiger na I wasent their but I did hunt that ground about 20 years ago.What about that dvd yer bringing out any sing of it yet???????? Think he's gonna put the van on by roddy doyle,Yu F****n EEEjit, Whats wrong with you, Yu told them about the f****n van
  10. what dvd speedie Are you getting a stutter tiger na I wasent their but I did hunt that ground about 20 years ago.What about that dvd yer bringing out any sing of it yet????????
  11. a think it was the luke that lined sally
  12. so jack reds brother would have a very stong gene merlin and eve? or even his offspring No , jack and red not litter brothers , but both close realated to merlin & eve , and both of age 13 yrs old or something. i thought g.d red and jack were litter brothers JACK WHO BRED HEIDI& GARY DIC, RED WERE LITTER BROTHERS BRED BY DAVE DIC, FROM DAVE DIC,S SALLY TO GARYS DRAX... DRAX FATHER WAS ROOSTER(MERLIN/EVE) LITTER BROTHER TO SWOOP.... SALLY THE DAM HAD HAD G SMITHS FLY ON BOTH HER SIRE & DAMS SIDE. GARYS RED WILL BE 14 IN APRIL These are the latest pups from the Dickins
  13. hope she turns up safe
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