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About lurchaguru

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  • Birthday 25/09/1976

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  1. I took my pup out last night to get some rabbits and had a grate night.We went over to my closest permition and walked all the way to the top of the field along the footpath and when we got to the top of the field i shon my lamp over it and didnt see anythink so we went to the next field and their were 2 in their so i kept my light shon on one off them and told Gracie to get after it. Fair play she was flying,their was no way i was keeping up but i could hear her barking her head off chasing it so i new were she was but by the time i got their she ate the hole thing basically.it took a wile to
  2. Erm i never said im an excpert i was just being nice saying if ppl want any advise not that i now everythink. and why does it matter if my spelling is bad?. not a great welcome to the site.
  3. Hi evry1! I'm knew to the site. Iv hurd good things about it so thaught id join and hopefuly give some advise to loads of people what dont no about hunting with dogs. Iv got a pup whos coming along rely well. Shes my first dog so rely egsited about how well shes doing.Ill put pictures up off her rely soon and cant wate for you're comments Cheers
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