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About claudegreengrass1

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    Dublin Ireland
  1. Hes Been out two nights first night put him on two squatters which he didnt catch they turned on the ditch and got away he sounded off at them. Last night I put him on a squatter and the same happened, He caught the second squatter in the Ditch and didnt sound off.Didnt do anything ealse after that.
  2. I had a similar experience on a golf course with my 8 year old son two dear ran right up to us and grazed for about 20 minutes we lay on the ground watching them until thay got wind of us and lept off great experience to get so close. we decided to leave them be for that night.Great to see young kids take an interest. Great story Aquila.
  3. Walked him in the evening around the park to burn some energy off then brought him off last night for a ramble and he got his first on the lamp without the yapping,It was a handy one for him he burst through a ditch and caught it in the dept of it and brought it back to me, Thanks for all the advice on this issue lads ill keep working on it.Cheers.
  4. Walked him in the evening around the park to burn some energy off then brought him off last night for a ramble and he got his first on the lamp without the yapping,It was a handy one for him he burst through a ditch and caught it in the dept of it and brought it back to me, Thanks for all the advice on this issue lads ill keep working on it.Cheers.
  5. I have been getting the basics down,Retrieving,stop stay all that stuff going well,I have been putting the Beddy/whippet on squatters and hes just about there with catching,Hasent caught just yet i think its a fitness thing at the moment which im working on,,,, Trouble is Hes starting to sound off,yelping i think with frustration when the rabbits are turning away from him..Should I hold off the trainning or carry on, Not to sure what to do Hes 12 months now. Any replies would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Thanks very much for the replys lads,Always good to get real feed back from experienced lads like your selfs, Didnt Know if I was going to slow with the whole process,il ease him into it over the next month or so,Thanks again for the help, ill keep you posted on the progress. Cheers.
  7. Hi everybody Just new to this site and working dogs, I have recently got a beddyxwhippet 12 months that Knows very little like its new owner. I have him retrieving to hand with toys in day light and also on the lamp, hes jumping fences and walking beside me through fields and is very bidable and well behaved,Hasent seen anything yet regarding rabbit and the likes. Question is whats the next step with trainning the pup? am I on the right track or a little behind. Any replies would be greatly appreciated.
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