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About J.brown

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  1. Any air arms pops to swap for my brand new BSA ultra tactical .22 ss
  2. Hi ma got a BSA ultra tactical .22 brand new of you want to swap but I don't drive so you will after come to me or post guns to each other buddy my number is 07788694236 call or text to arrange something
  3. Hi I have a BSA ultra tactical .22 single shot comes with nikko sterling scope worth £100 and fill adapter wanting a swap for another rifle pref with tank or pump all considered must be pcp the ultra is brand new my number is 07788694236 incase you want to contact me must beable to come to me as I don't drive cheers
  4. Ano it says multi but I have a BSA ultra tactical brand new .22 only want £250 for it comes with nikko sterling scope worth £100 pick up Sheffield area and ya can buy a rowan engineering magazine of ther site to make it multi shot my numbers 07788694236
  5. Got a BSA ultra tactical brand new .22 with nikko sterling scope
  6. How do I post something on here

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J.brown


      Lol how do I see air rifles that have been advertised please I did find it but forgot how lol and how do I advertise my rifles

    3. J.brown


      All help will be appreciated



      Look in the for sale section, to advertise click new topic

  7. Got a brand new ultra tactical .22 if ya interested
  8. Want to swap for a BSA ultra tactical brand new .22
  9. Got a BSA ultra if your interested brand new tactical version .22 with nikko sterling scope you will need to come to me though as I don't drive
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