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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. This Government blames the last while not taking responsibility for their own actions, power is with the people, you decide!

  2. Been out to reccy some of my old areas.

  3. England's green and promised land or England's grey and concrete lands? There were recent news releases surrounding the Ash dieback disease. There was going to be a large amount of money set aside by Central Government to tackle the Ash dieback disease, but it appears this has now been withdrawn. Has the countryside become second best on a National level? For more information please go to the link below- http://www.woodlandt...ucture-d17.aspx Do you think more areas of the countryside should be barred from planning developments?
  4. Apart from my countryside interests, I am also a ranger for a National Cycle Network route. A member of the public asked me (when I was on a cycle route) where they could report a case of a Rabbit with Myxomatosis to. The Rabbit was humanely disposed of and taken out of it's misery. I enquired with several agencies and some Governmental, but it appears that the same old advice was given to me. The advice was- Dispatch the Rabbit and bag and bin or burn or bury. Also I was advised to let anyone who has domesticated Rabbits to seek vetinary advice regarding immunisation. I was also told the dise
  5. Should be out in the next day or so doing a bit of hunting.

  6. I would only put your Ferrets down holes where you are certain that's all thats down there. Badgers take a dislike to Ferrets. Also it is important to remember that Ferrets can get Bovine TB. This disease can be passed by contact with infected Badger urine and droplets as well as feces. Foxes also take a dislike to Ferrets, normally a good Ferret won't go near a hole with another animal in my experience, but I have heard of some that will.
  7. It seems I must be the lucky one. I get given a few tipples of the strong stuff on some of my permissions which is a problem after a few because it takes longer to get my nets down. Must admit it must be fun for the land owner when I am trying to catch the loose one which escapes the net. Maybe thats why they treat me! ha ha. I think the other reasons are because when I am out on the land I always keep an eye out for the landowner.
  8. In Staffordshire there has been small outbreaks of Mixi and there are a few locations that I have reported to the EA etc, but Mixi is no longer a reportable disease. Also in Staffordshire there is an increase in the Buzzards which may have contributed to the decline in Rabbits.
  9. Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all.

  10. Been out the last few weeks and looking at new places ready for the really cold days and updating my permissions.

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