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Everything posted by Kent_keith

  1. Don't do it. Just look at Darrins site, XTX and get it fixed.
  2. ok barrel all clean and lubricated and just tried it out, it affected the poi slightly and is more consistent in it's grouping. So if its NEW clean the barrel first.
  3. Sorry for my vague answer, I understand now that a moderator has to be stipulated on a licence.
  4. Fac air is very useful on permissions where rimfires are not useable because of land layout, noise etc etc, a 30fpe .22 cal is very useful range out to 75yds no problem, i have x3 fac air at different power levels for different shoots as well as rimfires, do not knock fac air its has its niche uses. atb brian There you go, this is what a I agree with, reasons to disagree I would like to hear
  5. Never thought of that? I think I need to hear one first? Then decide.
  6. Why do you not then? Just interested?
  7. Ok so im guessing this is not a normal amount of residue/dirt that would be found in a normal used rifle, the dealer should have cleaned this prior to selling it to me? Yes?
  8. So is this normal is the question
  9. All new rifles will have factory gunk in them, I would give the barrel a really good clean, then stick a tin of pellets through it to bed it in.Some people like to clean their barrels after every so many tins of pellets.If its still shooting spot on I don't see the point................... Thank you Mr Hood, Do you think that's just gunk then not normal amount of dirt from a pull through?
  10. Good advice,. This will be my forth rifle, lol so bigger the better. Keith
  11. Excellent Moxy, I'll do just that. ( should have thought of that myself)
  12. I've changed it again now, just a tube instead of a torch..
  13. This setup was fine for me but I added this (next pic) because I was a bit to close, I found less IR flash back and better to view.
  14. Thinking about getting one for air rifles, any tips guys? I've down loaded the forms from BASC website. Keith
  15. Is this a normal amount of dirt, or just because its a new rifle? It probably had half a tin of pellets through it. Keith
  16. Thumbs up from me for AA Diabolo field, best pellet for my 100 so far. Keith
  17. Or look at the ns200 scope thread, it's on there.
  18. The first one I bought was faulty so maybe yours is too. Mine is clear up to 50 meters an show eye shine up to 60 70 meters after that it goes black. But it's very very hard to judge distance at night, are you positive about the distance you can only see to? Do a search for Si Pitaway on YouTube he has a guide to using one on there very informative. Keith
  19. My R10 is getting to be my favourite rifle soon, so the side winders going on it. good shooting fella, another song bird killer gone.
  20. There were four in my garden, killed one now their all gone, all quiet in the morning now good shooting fella.
  21. Yes I had a chat to him about the tench reg, as I have the R10 VC the reg is good anyway but he does a few things to it to improve it that he doesn't display on his site. He did tell me but I'm sworn to secrecy
  22. Thanks for the positive comments regarding Darrin at XTX looks like i picked the right guy to service it, after you had your service did you have to change the make of pellets you were using or did they stay the same? And in what way was it transformed? Keith
  23. Ive been emailing Darrin from XTX, I bet I drove him mad with my questions late into the evening lol but credit to him he answered them all, top man. after all things consided it's going to him after Easter for an X-tune/service I'm not happy to be spending more money but I want the R10 to be as best as it can be.
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