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Everything posted by Kent_keith

  1. One of the rabbits I shot last had this on its leg, I binned it because it looked like a Parasite or string of eggs to me, can anybody tell me what it was????
  2. Took my new B Type out last night for the first time, got to be Impressed with this rifle, it's getting quieter the more I use it, how does that happen? Anyway 40 yard shoots each went down quickly, there were two more but left them for Charley as to small. Good night, great permission paddocks in Surrey.
  3. Does anyone know a butcher in North Kent that will buy head shoot rabbits? My freezers full I also give them away at work but I've still too many, I will not waste them or leave them for Charlie, any ideas?
  4. If anyone's thinking of buying one, wait a couple of months, new line coming out
  5. Early morning at Pete's is best, if you walk round the edges of the fields you'll will see lots of activity, if you walk round in pairs, smoke, talk out loud, tread heavy like most do over there, you won't see any rabbits, before they see you
  6. I have black iron filings in my belita silencer, is it clipping do you think? Keith
  7. My compay is very hot on RA and MS's, they have there own process, with the HSE having the final say, but they expect the people doing the work will know the process the best and the potential risks. That's what I said lol Keith
  8. Daz, final risk and method statements R&M,s should only be carried out by the person undertaking the work, although generic R&M,s would try and give basic information and can be supplied by anyone, they will need to be assessed by you and made job specific because all jobs/permissions are not the same. Keith
  9. Thats a shame but I thought as much, I was reading about a guy in America who was retiring and he said he had a shoe box compressor for his PCP and that started me thinking, I'll go and ask him what type it is and what he paid for it.
  10. Nice work fella, might get the R10 out this weekend too
  11. TT eh...so you can pull a bird AND do her hair aswell, bonus! Lol another uneducated motoring expert, this one can keep up with a 911 and has looks to match, do yourself a favour and drive one before commenting on something you clearly know nothing about
  12. If you leave the safety off for 15 min it's bleeps really loud at you, it might have been that? I must admit I'm not fond of that feature myself I wish I could disable it.
  13. Lol thanks mate, funny enough some love it as its cute, others wouldn't be seen dead in it, good job I have a Audi TT too. and I wish I was using the TT that day as it has 4 wheel drive.
  14. Just make it doesn't have rear wheel drive and shit tyres or your get stuck in a thunderstorm like I did yesterday
  15. Took your advice and cleaned the barrel, after 1842 it needed it, it was filthy pulled through 3 times an with lub.
  16. Thanks fella, nice rifle you have there:)
  17. I've ordered some Bis Mags to see how they preform too.
  18. Their good in my Wolf at 50 yards and less, Maybe over that too, better than a few I've tried
  19. Not really, it has a pouch with a zip on the other side takes the mag, spare pellets and nite site battery.
  20. Not tried those before, I'll look them up, thanks
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