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Everything posted by Kent_keith

  1. Good the little buggers keep digging down to the roots of my fruit trees that are in barrels.
  2. What about in your garden? Can we or can we not?
  3. Maybe a bit graphic but well worth viewing for showing how small the head shot to a rabbit is
  4. Spend an extra 50 pound and buy a HW100, course I might be a little biased but if you have never tried one, do before you make up your mind
  5. Ok I buggered that up lol best buy one then
  6. The battery does not react with the screen, on the other side now I have the angle eye dvr.
  7. Excellent Steve, thank you, I'll finish it tomorrow just need to cut it to size. Keith
  8. Now don't take this the wrong way, but could you measure it for me, I take it the camera end is the same so I can work out the rest, I fancy using Saturday and won't have time to buy one, so ill just make one, Ta
  9. Buy an old golf bag and modify it to carry your rifle, hide and stuff, this way you can move about unnoticed don't forget to get a tag for it from the office and no combats
  10. Hi Steve, Could you tell me how you connected the scope? Are you using the original rubber sleeve provided or did you buy the new one that Nitesite made to custom fit the viper connect?
  11. Thanks Tim, I'll take a look. It's the same person that sells them? I wonder where he gets them from? Lol
  12. I agree Steve, I was looking to modify my Nitesite scope mount thingy to suit the space available,
  13. I only follow these topics for AH photos lol
  14. http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/8049/imagetwd.jpg This looks perfect for me, does anyone know the type of scope mounts these are and who sells them Oh the picture was from 2010 from another forum, I hope you don't mind if its yours that I borrowed it.
  15. Hi nangell, Already bid on one, it went up to 35 pound odd so I gave up, You can buy them new for 40 delivered, what a fool? just seen 1 off these fetch £48.70 on ebay Hi nangell, Already bid on one, it went up to 35 pound odd so I gave up, You can buy them new for 40 delivered, what a fool? just seen 1 off these fetch £48.70 on ebay More money than sense springs to mind lol
  16. Hi Smecky, the touch weighs very little so I don't notice it to be honest, what it does give me are three things, I can give it a flash to verify distance to target before I take a shot, it makes the IR a little higher seems to work a little better, lastly I turn it on to give me a direct line to the target after the shots taken, I use a head torch in the summer but winter I wear thick hats (getting old) so it's a little difficult to place a head torch.
  17. 180794713563 this is the batteries eBay list number.
  18. Sorry Porkycrook, that under my NS50 is a torch. If that was what you were referring to.
  19. What you replacing it with fella? Still like to know lol
  20. Wedge2409' I'd rather lose a testicle than pay 40 pound, (not tight I promise you) but thanks for the link anyway
  21. Hi nangell, Already bid on one, it went up to 35 pound odd so I gave up, You can buy them new for 40 delivered, what a fool?
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