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About Kent_keith

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing cars, walking, keeping out of trouble

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  1. Travelodge it mate, I've been doing that for the last few years
  2. Ok understood. You proved me wrong and I'm glad of that thank you,
  3. Oh 223 with mod, I thought one side of the gate he has permission the other side, well could be classed as on the highway?
  4. I friend of mine shoots fox from the road side of the farmers field gate, I say it's questionable what do others think?
  5. Thank you, I might use a old wire coat hook to hang the birds up there, hitting the farm at 06:30 tomorrow and got all the stuff I ordered so lets see how I do ps tree climbing days are over
  6. well, forms filled in and handed in to the local nick for their internal mail as I'm not sure how the post will be over Easter, another string to my bow as it were
  7. Also, some of the fields are right next to a very busy major road, I wouldn't want to be responsible for an accident happening because car drivers are watching me and not at the road, I think the police would also have something say about it too.
  8. How do you get the decoys to stay in the tree? good idea Keith
  9. Hi Chris, Thank you for that, I too have seen some of his vids but on rabbit shooting with air-rifles he's very good. Today I've bought hide poles, netting, six decoy pigeons, and two magpies, I've seen the woodies on my permission follow the magpies in and leave when they leave. So need to set them up and see what that brings Keith
  10. Not proud, but I said I would let you know, Saturday consisted of 4 squirrels, 3 magpies, I rabbit, no pigeons, I had a few in my sights but bloody hell the eyesight on those things are incredible, I'd had more chance hitting them in my van Mind you the crops are not showing yet so time will tell Keith
  11. Well this Saturday will tell if I'm any good at field craft or not, I've got a couple of hides that I can leave there so the pigeons get used to them, happy days, I've looked over the BASC website with a view of downloading a shotgun application form as there is a part of the farm that might suit one Keith
  12. Thank you, Yes I could get a shotgun I have no convictions and a gun safe. Trouble is there are public footpaths around, dog walkers, a major road adjacent to it. There is I've been told by the owner that there is a guy who is allowed to shot there with a shotgun but he hasn't been around lately. Saying that, if I feel that the land would warrant buying one I will. I have shoot pigeons before from 55 yards with my Airwolf and the others carry on feeding around it. This method I thought might produce a good bag, worth a try
  13. Don't flame me but I was wondering Has anyone had success with this kind hunting, Static in a hide over crops as I've acquired a new permission and I haven't a shotgun licence All of my hunting is on rabbits on grassland day or NV. This is a great little permission and I would like to keep it. All advice appreciated Keith
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