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country girl

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About country girl

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  1. I don't give diddly squat what your dog kills all I care about is dogs working and as far as grey squrrels are concerned they need annihilating be any means possible - However, the only legal quarry without restriction is rat or rabbit, it is against the law to allow your dog to kill squirrel so make sure you look like your out for a stroll and not on a killing spree - What a load of .
  2. bellman and flint bellman and flint!!!! they are the dogs bollocks mate they may cost a bit but in the long run definately worth the money Ditto - Definately B & F
  3. Seems like you must have had a bad experience with them! Don't think you should be so hard on them though - They DO carry out rescues and membership IS worthwhile. Keep up the good work guys - Always remember (put) your terriers (first).
  4. Definitely JR x King Charles mate - no doubts
  5. Hi everyone - My interest is specifically earthdogs. I had always liked terriers but never had one untill nearly six years ago after my 'bitsa' died. I had heard of Patterdale terriers but apart from being a 'bit like a jack russell' didn't really know anything about them. I heard about a litter local to me and went and bought the bitch you see in my avatar. She was bought as a pet and has always been as good as gold in the house and likes a cosy lap etc. however it soon became clear that outside she was a completely different dog who wanted to work and was going to (short of always kee
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