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Everything posted by prebanpeter

  1. by boiling it it easy to cut up for pups plus kills any belly worms in trip and when you boil it theres no stink of it so easy to put in [ bags ] f/ f
  2. what would one prefor raw or boild tripe and witch is better sheep or cow i boile mine ???????????/
  3. thanks mate yes i have him put away from all the rest of my dogs so hopefully the will not get it
  4. thanks mate its just that i have a few dogs and taught there was something that i could get for the others so to try stop them getting it
  5. got a dog of a lad it has a cough i think its k/c is there a bottle that i could inject him like[ pinacillen etc ]
  6. the 2004 hunting act covers england and wales only, scotland have their own hunting act from 2002 i think, the north of Ireland doesn't have a hunting act. every thing bar broc is fair game deer is illegal in the north with dogs unless you have a licence (staghound packs) thats for packs, still legal with lurcher if you have perm. All species of deer in Northern Ireland are protected under the terms of the Wildlife Order. It is illegal to kill deer by means other than shooting and there are closed seasons during which deer cannot be shot. Only certain sorts of guns and ammunit
  7. lol damed if you do and damed if you dont well the only answer i can come up with if one doesent whant there dog stolen dont keep them
  8. i heard off people cutting the ears off g/hounds over being stamped woulden it be great if the come up with a tracker chip like what the have for cars etc
  9. well is this a good thing or bad for a man out walking his dog near big rab land and dog gets off and owner trys looking for it and cops find,s dog would owner get done ?????? for coursing
  10. i did hear something about that but did not hear it was passed there pushing for it over strays killing sheep etc
  11. on hear you hear a lot about dogs being stolen would it be safe or not to have them chiped or would it make it to easy for the law to no whos out coursing if a man had to run /hide / etc or if the dog was found lost a long long way from home on the fens etc
  12. great thread youve got together mate .all credit to you thanks brookie it would be better if all the rest start puting up some pics info etc hopefully the will thanks agan
  13. sharper was her father ps snr got sharper of willie 3 or 4 days before he died willie told him he could do the job in big or small fields he was a good dog and produced good stuff peaches
  14. Anymore info, photos of the full saluki Sharper?? Was he a Black and Tan?? yes he was black/tan i will have to look to see if i have one of him
  15. lol thats willie was not shy if he had some thing to say to a man well he said it that s willie if he liked you he liked you and if he dident he tell you
  16. with all good lines one has to outcross at some time after a few crossies your back on track with the same line as it has being said there not kc reg dogs so it does not matter whether its 1/2 3/4 or 7/8 its still ends up back to the same line,s i breed a lot of gamefowl and thats how i breed them you have to line breed as well as out breed its how the lurcher began well its just my view to it
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