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Everything posted by prebanpeter

  1. tom sweeney paddy sweeney stevie king davy rodgers
  2. some of you guys have to have pic s stories as i have said before dont be shy stick them up come on guy get posting and thanks for making this topic a good one in memory of willie tough well done to all ps
  3. one off my pups up date just over 4 months willie s lines
  4. lets here some good stories j d and some pics guys dont be shy lets here it thanks
  5. you are very welcome dodo we have the highist respect for willie paddy sweeney taught the world of willie the became very good friends and dad has all willie lines even to day maxhardcore willie told us not long before he died he was at a big show ie big horseie men lords mp evem the prince charles was at it one of the big shots asked willie i here you are of gypsy origin ,,, willie replyed NO I AM A GYPSY
  6. very nice bitch she looks the part any pic of father
  7. thats good hope the get the rest what dogs have the got back
  8. any more pics ram put up some with willie with the hounds
  9. more good pics billy you should have some good ones and john get them up mate
  10. welcome on here billy this is a good site yes billy i rember when you took us to willies for the first time i remeber you saying on way over that willie was a strange man that ye had somany people ringing up asking for a days coursing that there was no garante that willie would take us out coursing when we got there you introduced paddy sweeney to willie tough after a few mins the became friends after a few months the became good friends after that the where great pals it was around that time willie started to give paddy some of his dogs hope brothers and sisters to captain
  11. thanks guys this topic is getting better and better keep them pic s and stories comming well done lads and thanks agam willie was a true sports man in every way willie bred some of the best dogs in the country and there lines are still going strong well done our old friend
  12. great pics man keep them comming mate willie was a great friend of ours sadly missed rip willie
  13. thats a nice old pic isin it lovely to see them one would say its probly the best old pic on hear well done mate keep it comming
  14. very nice pups mate nice to see willie s stuff still going well anyone that has pic,s or storys get them up thanks
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