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Everything posted by prebanpeter

  1. mr c w after a great days coursing gives the thumps up
  2. left ts right willie after a great days coursing haveing a sing /song
  3. willie persenting jocko with the calindar singal handed sheld that hope won sorry for poor pic pub was very dark
  4. jocko after winning the singlehanded comp with hope
  5. left r w with booboo right c w with midnight first cross saluki ghound sire sonny
  6. thanks twister have a few more but haveing truble getting loaded ile keep trying but like if the rest of the members started to put some up and give as much info and photos as posible i would realy like for this topic to be the best on hear loads of info and the most replys etc but thanks to the guys that have given there bit keep it country
  7. Whats the names of the dogs in this pic ? That Black dog looks massive, or the guys short ? Whats its name ? yes belonged to bg he was a big dog the kind of guy willie was if he liked you he like you and if he dident he tell you great sports man ps i could not lift my arm after holding that big black dog of bg s strong and fast dog him could run a hare
  8. paddy sweeney with a full saluki in ireland son of tor that ps got of dave bird back in the ,s
  9. come on guys start puting info photos x storys etc share any good days out with willie and about his dogs past and present thanks lads for the info so far keep it comeing
  10. come on guys give me a hand post any photos of willie or his dogs
  11. the old man driveing is willie toughs dad allso called willie and young man pointing is willies son emasan jocko billy g
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