my bitch of wt s hope
in ireland 5s 6s was no probs lot of irish men seen her run /// in uk 4 out of 4 s 3 out 4 jm uk cm rc [rip] cw seen her run
alexs [rip] young hope thats just a 2 out of few
ps thats before preban that i am talking about
as i said i am not sure of breeding of boy i taught i heard something like that sorry if i am wrong or it could be the father of boy something like that ///
or the where not sure of father
no billy never got him back
dont know about jeff o boy some say he was street acident
billy g s scouser i was told was a very good dog he was brother to ink and wt said he was better then ink
he got stolen from billy
i seen this bitch run on fen on stonie land she would run it on a bit and kill the hare a lovely bitch to see run i seen her on softish land in liverpool every inch was a bend thats how tight she was on good ground i allso seen her run in ireland she mastered the irish hare on its own land what a bitch she looked better in ireland all action she parilised the hare
i not sure i would say 26 inc
no pic of sooner
come on lads give me some help here start posting pic etc
captain a proper dog man would not bring a young dog on to the fens
i have said before irish dogs after first run on the fens gets clever the pace themselfs
back here the no the have to power up to control the hare
a dog adapes very quickly to the land you run them
and its not about a good dog can run any where its a good dog man runs a dog in the right land
billy g and paddy
this big hare was caught by billy s jack
has anyone ever seen as big as hare as this
billy brought this back to liverpool and had it stuffed
i would say the where the best friends that anyone could ever wish for
remember willie gave paddy top class dogs and everyone knows what willie taught of his dogs
paddy said he could travel all over the world and not find as good a friend as willie