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Everything posted by Stretch177

  1. Took my little terrier bitch out yesterday, only 5 1/2 month and wasn't expecting much tbh, as she was really only took out too get her introduced to it and see how she handled it all. Anyway she was excellent, marked three sets and had rabbits out of them all. Over the moon and got more permission to top the day off.
  2. Cheers mate dont know how i missed that.
  3. Hello guys, just wanted abit of advice if possible regarding feeding my little terrier bitch on a barf diet. Shes a Lakie x and is currently being fed on dry food and would like to switch her to a complete meat diet and ditch the dry. Now ive never had a dog on this type of food so unsure on what to feed, how much, what to avoid etc? Been reading up about adding veg and fruit aswell as the meat, plus a good mixer, but insure were to start. Had a look on DAF website and there is so much to get i dont know where to start. Any advice or places to read up on it would be a great help. Regards S
  4. Yeah i would stick another ferret down, collared up and if she is stuck with a rabbit chances are the other ferret will track it down and give you a mark too dig
  5. We have a sett that goes below the base of a tree and spreads out, but all the holes lead out from the base of the tree, with a secret bolt hole about 10 yards away. For all it looks small, it is bloody deep and like the piicture there are 5 of them 'holes' around the base and without the poke nets i have, i wouldn't stand a chance. There is also a sett which is below a trailer and we use the poke nets, too surround that aswell, we could use stop nets but for what it is, its not cost effective so had andy make me a few 5ft poke nets and we just drape them over the sides. I always have 5/6 in m
  6. CJ is spot on, some top quality nets sold by the lads on here, i would recommend Andy Kelly, but tbh reading about the others its all down to personal choice and what you want/need
  7. Yeah try rescues and the rspca centres, i know the local rspca to me has about 12-15 in at the minute, mainly hobs with 1/2 jills
  8. My hob was exactly the same, he had been rescued after living rough for a while and he was biting and scratch all the time at first, but now he is one of my top workers and the kids can handle him no bother. As simple as it sounds, i just ignored the biting/scratched and picked him up. I offered a clenched fist at first, he would bite like hell but would settle down eventually and as my skin was tight he was scratching with his teeth, rather than biting. He would tuck his head under his body to bite me when i picked him up, but as soon as he was in my hands, he was a totally different ferret.
  9. Anything i can get hold of meat wise, rabbits, birds, chicken bits, fish, heart, lung, liver, eggs etc
  10. Brimmer yeah thats the only thing ive found is the crap smells, but the coats on both the ferrets and our German Shepherd have definately got an extra shine to them since ive started giving it too 'em
  11. did you find it gave them the runs?? No mate, i give them about a tin every 2/3 weeks with abit of olive oil in it, just for something different and they have been fine. Although the crap dooes smell abit more but that gets taken out straight away anyway
  12. If its in brine just give it a quick rinse under the tap, never had a problem although i do try to buy it in spring water
  13. Exactly mate, that is the reason i am getting one, saves the guesswork especially if its a big set.
  14. Thanks for the help lads, now its just a case of finding a worker bred dog and tbh a jack russell was what i was thinking of also. Whats the best way of starting them off, is it a case of taking them out and ferreting the holes they are interested in? and them just picking it up once they see the rabbits etc
  15. What dog would people recommend for just marking sets, no running dogs as the farmers won't allow it. Thinking of a terrier, but unsure which type, although have been looking at a border terrier, mainly due to me liking how they look and reading about there temperment etc. This will be my first dog for working, so would like a breed that is easy to work, calm, good with other dogs and people as it will be in the house. Any help will be greatly recieved. Regards Stretch
  16. Yeah i used to give them to my snakes and they thrived on them, on top of the mice they were getting. There just isnt enough in them meat wise, to make them worthwhile giving to ferrets, at least on a regular basis anyway.
  17. The only time i have fed doc, is when i have given them as a snack, just to tide them over till the rabbit had defrosted abit as i had forgot to take it out the freezer. But like joel said, i wouldn't use them as a MEAL, due to the fact there is nothing on them meat wise. Best off with rabbit, chicken bits, mince, birds, fish etc, recently started given mine abit of olive oil mixed into some tuna and they love it and their coats are top notch
  18. Yeah neutral ground is sound advice as thats what i do, although it doesn't stop them sorting out the hierarchy of the group, but like has been mentioned this will soon change when he gets bigger and he starts putting himself about.
  19. What happens when he is with the other ferrets, is he just staying out the way, fighting with them etc. Get a hammock in there, pipes, tunnels, balls, cardboard boxes, plastic cups/cartons etc etc. Something different put in everyday keeps them stimulated, 1 of mine puts his head inside the plastic cup and runs around while his brother tries to get it off him, bloody funny too watch
  20. I have found they sleep more during the day/evening and are active more in the early hours. Still eating mind you, although they have slowed down with 2 jills and 3 hobs sharing a full rabbit over about 1 1/2 days, whereas this would normally be gone in a night.
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