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Everything posted by Stretch177

  1. Yeah although the water in the bottle hasn't actually frozen, the water in the spout probably has. The only way, is too change the bottles over as often as you can.
  2. When you so frozen, do you mean solid or can you press the meat but hear the ice cracking sort of thing. Ive fed chicken bits still slighly frozen when ive had too just put them in and they eat them. Regarding how much, mine eat a full rabbit in about 2 days, thats between 2 jills and 3 hobs. I would try either a full rabbit and leave it in until its gone, only in the winter mind or switch to feeding half a rabbit.
  3. Moxy, how much you selling it for??
  4. Whaaaaaaaattttttttttt!!!!!!!!! and scold the ferret in the process, you have too be fcuking joking surely???
  5. Use the search button next time or look about http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/236511-ferrets-and-ticks/
  6. If there out its sometimes to do with flat batteries, have you tried switching them? I know it sounds daft, but are you looking at the right set of numbers on the gauge, as the top ones are for when its in search mode and the bottom for when its in locate?
  7. Yeah, but for instance if you follow your ferret with a finder and the depth gauge is constantly moving and changing and your ferreting hasn't appeared at any holes, you can almost guarantee that it is working the full sett and then you hear the thumping . On the other hand if the depth gauge is changing slowly, depth staying the same, ferret popping up at most holes, you can be sure its only working the top layer and not getting right down. This is what normally happens when a ferret is newly introduced to ferreting and doesn't know what to do, but this also happens when you have a 'dud' wor
  8. So some colours work better than others? Vast experience you say,if what you stated isn't a wind up then I'd get out and gain some more.
  9. Agreed But there is too many people breeding from rubbish stock, that finding a good one isn't easy. Its in their instinct too do it and all ferrets will work, but the top ones that cover all the sett, have it in the gene's aswell or thats my opinion
  10. Yeah its was the same with my nephew yesterday, he's only 10 and everytime we have been out it has been hectic action, with a couple of rabbits coming from every sett we have done. We were on a new permission yesterday and not alot about so he did get abit bored, mainly from all the walking we were doing lol
  11. Yeah im the same, in that i prefer a light coloured/albino ferret. At the minute i have 3 albino hobs and 1 albino jill, my other jill is a poley and its a challenge to find her if there is cover or its dark. Resorted to putting a bell on their collars so if i can't see them i can hear them. As for if ones better than the other, i don't have a preference as they all have a place in my team, otherwise they wouldn't be here My mate has one of the best hobs ive ever seen, its a white hob with black eyes, that he got off a bloke who said it was useless. It is a small hob, not much bigger than a
  12. We are normally out about 6 hours and depending on were we go, how many setts there are, holes, how deep etc, the number of ferrets we take is then decided. But generally we take 4 ferrets and work them in pairs, 2 jills and 2 hobs, going on 8 holes to every ferret. Mainly use the jills tbh and only really use the hobs when there are rabbits down that won't budge. Ive found the jills are good for bolting, but don't really kill down the holes, but on the other hand the hobs 9/10 will grab them down the holes, which results in me having a dig on. They all have their use in my book and all are ha
  13. I much prefer to be out with just me, my nephew and the dog, rather than a couple of mates etc. The dog seems to get abit excited and as she is a pup she can sometimes take her eyes of the prize so too speak, when other people are with me. At least you got out and spent some good quality time with your son
  14. Out on a new permission that looked spot on, around 14 big fields on both sides of a track, with a massive quarry at the bottom and lots of rabbity looking ground. There was alot of what seemed to be setts, but on the dog marking them and sticking a ferret down it became clear they weren't. It was weird tbh and i couldn't and still can't get my head around it. The holes would go in about a foot or 2 and then end and there were around 5/6 holes like this in a small area, hence me thinking they were a sett, anybody have an opinion on this as ive never seen it before, ive seen 'hidey holes' but
  15. Pleased for you, my mate will be chuffed i tell him that. Yeah let him know Joe. Out tomorrow aswell so will report back how we/she gets on. Cracking little dog mate and i will get some some pics up tomorrow
  16. http://www.arthurcarteruradshop.co.uk/products/1-Ferreting/269-Replacement-Strap-for-Ferret-finder-200mm/ Excellent service from this company aswell
  17. Don't know if he has a website, i just PM him on here. Look here for andy and the other lads nets http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/223308-where-to-buy-purse-nets-net-guide-read-here/
  18. Anybody recommend any vets in the teesside area for getting a hob castrated?
  19. The most important thing is PATIENCE, if you have that then you will be fine. Ive had similar ferrets, both jills and hobs so its not just a trait of one or the other. Lots of handling, if she bites you or struggles dont put her down, only put her back when shes calm, as she will associate stuggling/biting with you leaving her alone.
  20. Cant beat a little dog especially it you doing hedgerows. Unfortunately due to all my permission being pretty much all sheep farming land, the farmers wont allow any big/running dogs, so thats why i have her. Otherwise i would have possibly got a bedlington/whippet type.
  21. I use an old fly bag i had, perfect for it. Get about 45 purse nets in the main compartment, 8 4/5ft purse nets in the front and a locater, 3 collars, knife and towel in the back zip pocket. Only paid about £10 for it.
  22. Yeah ill try and get one up, not the best photo as its on my phone.
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