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Everything posted by Stretch177

  1. Paulus cheers for that, many differing advice I've read on this.
  2. Am i right in thinking another tablet at 12 weeks and then one every 3 months thereafter?
  3. Haha can you tell I'm not a cook lol...I will stick to shapes and not food stuffs next time
  4. Right the ones I've been given are Johnson's one dose easy wormer size 1..luckily my neighbour has chihuahuas and pugs, I've weighed her an she is 5lb, so I've gave her just the 1 as recommend on the box and will follow it up with the drontal in a few weeks. Cheers lads for the help, heart skipped a beat at first and didn't have a clue how serious it was. She's a little dot and was the runt so she is tiny hence the worry. Definitely roundworm mate, smooth and looks like a noodle/beansprout. Cheers lads Stretch
  5. Cheers for the quick response mate..managed to get some from a neighbour, the problem I'm having is as she won't eat anything I can't get the tablet in her. Reading about on google it's coming back as Roundworm, are they the same as tapeworm??
  6. Got a beddy x whippet yesterday. She wouldn't eat anything yesterday and the same today, she only ate a palmful dry food yesterday night and then ate the same this morning for her breakfast. Just came into the kitchen and she had thrown up and all I could describe as noodle like worms were there on the floor. She is 10 weeks old and as far as I was told is fully upto date with her worming, just needed her injections, which she is getting tomorrow. Anyway is there any reason to worry and rush her to the vets or will she be ok until I go tomorrow morning. I had some drontal worming suspension co
  7. The best way to tell if their fat, is run your hands along there rib cage and you should be able to feel each rib. If there too pronounced their underweight and if you can't feel them they are over. My Lakeland x weighs around 8-9kg and stands at 12tts, she has no fat but has good muscle tone. Are you feeding dry food or raw?? I found it easier to manage my dogs weight on raw as apposed to dry food.
  8. Whenever I've had dogs with the trots I've fed them small meals 3/4 times a day, consisting of boiled white rice, bit of chicken breast and spoon of yoghurt, as well as fluids. The worst thing to do is starve the dog, especially with it being a puppy. For me dry food is terrible and I haven't fed it for years, too many additives and fillers IMO. Try the rice for a day or 2 and if the pup is still loose or looking weak then straight to the vets.
  9. Yeah definitely is Les, makes it some much easier, no crawling under bushes, trampling down nettles etc. I did get a few photos but they haven't turned out so good, but I will stick some up next time I'm out.
  10. Will definitely have a small basket off you if you are doing them Les.
  11. Aye, she's a smart little dog mate and has exceed my expectations so far with how quick she has picked everything up, so hopefully this will be the same
  12. Forgot to update this. Went out and ended up with 13 in total, still abit too much cover about even on my permissions which are in open ground, so pleased with what we got. Still plenty of sets to do and a decent 30-40 holer in a bank side covered in gorse bushes, that will be getting done on Sunday. The dog didn't quite get the net at first as she kept running into it, trying to go straight through instead of jumping lol but towards the end she seemed to be getting there. After a few more trips out she should be there fingers crossed. Really enjoyed not lumping the bag about and having to pic
  13. Got my 2 off BPR this morning in the post, look great, solid and will help me no end.
  14. Good man is LC, sorted me out with my terrier bitch from one of his mates and is always helpful if you have any questions to ask. Good too see him still getting out after what's happened. Glad you had a few and wish you both well for the season
  15. Aye same around my permissions having spoken to the farmer, alot with mixi and numbers down. Didn't stop me getting 13 today like, but a lot were only 3/4 grown
  16. Aye, ive had her jumping them in the garden after throwing tennis balls over them. Once she clicks onto what it is for, im sure she will be fine. Thats the reason why i have changed tactics, too let the dog have more of a run, due to me only being allowed to use non running dogs, she hardly gets a run. How high should i set the nets, am i right in thinking around 20 inches?
  17. BPR, how much are they bud. Could do with 2 of the shoulder carriers if possible, in a bright colour as i have a habit of losing things lol
  18. Cheers Dan, expecting a few mistakes and cock ups, but feel like a kid at christmas lol. Dogs all ready eager, as soon as she sees me go in the shed and bring the net bag and ferret box out, her tail starts. I will post a few pics, how i get on and undoubtedly a few rookie questions
  19. First day out with the long net tomorrow. Got 4 25 yard nets off nelson a few months ago, so going out with the dog and ferrets and hopefully get a few. Big change for me as all ive ever used is purse nets. Will be perfect for me as most of my ferreting is in open ground.
  20. Me and the dogs just been attacked by a swarm of wasps. Dogs got a few stings or at least I wacked a few off them. Think I got the brunt of them tbh, forgot how much they hurt lol. Going to keep an eye on the dogs but hopefully they will be ok, seem fine upto now and this happened about an hour ago, was a good mooch up until then, few rabbits bolted and setts found
  21. Rob, says there 4inch diameter, canny expensive like for what it is.
  22. RSPCA have loads, just don't tell them you will be working them as they get funny. Luckily for me one of the lads in my local one is a 'country' boy so he knows the score.
  23. The main thing is maturity for me, sometimes at that age all the want to do is play, regardless of how many tubes/pipes they have been down, how much time they have spent in the garden, how many rabbits they have eaten etc, by all means take them out but try them if you can with an older ferret just too show them what to do, as sometimes they get abit scared as well as being excited
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