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Everything posted by Stretch177

  1. Drontal puppy suspension is what I use for pups good stuff. Get them on beef, chicken etc and they will pile the weight on This stuff http://www.vetuk.co.uk/puppy-supplies-puppy-wormers-c-836_842/drontal-puppy-suspension-p-103
  2. I've got a beddy x whippet and a slight problem that I can't seem to solve. Basically whenever I'm out with her, any new dogs or people we encounter she goes over stands off about 3/4 yards and starts barking, she's not aggressive but obviously it sometimes scares the dog owners or people we meet. I go over and she comes to me, I reassure her and then once I start talking to them she settles down and starts to play with the dog if they have one. Upto now I have put it down to being nervous/timid around new people and dogs, as she sometimes does it in the house when new people come in. She is o
  3. As a puppy I just fed mine as much as she would eat tbh. I have a beddy/whippet, she started on about 1 1/2lb split over 4 meals a day plus 1/2 chicken wings every meal, then I dropped her to 3 meals as she was leaving one, then dropped her too 2 meals a day. As long as their active and not getting fat, poo is still ok etc I wouldn't worry too much
  4. Get some pics up mate and I will have it if it's in good condition
  5. How much is delivery ruby, wouldn't mind using them as I can save £20 if I use them instead of daf. Wonder if they can mince the chicken carcasses for you??
  6. Giro, where you getting the minced carcasses from? Thought the minced chicken from DAF was a mixture of carcass, wings, necks, legs etc
  7. Goats milk contains less lactose(sugar) than cows milk and is therefore easier on the stomach. Personally I don't give them goats milk, no benefit IMO.
  8. Raw all the way, mince, offal, bones, carcasses, fish, eggs etc. Best thing by a mile and can be cheap as chips if you have a good butcher.
  9. Cracking day out lads, beats a day at work anyday of the week
  10. What does everybody do with pups. I have a 5month old beddyXwhippet, currently being fed 3 times a day morning/afternoon/night...meat, fish, carcasses, bit of rice etc. She was getting fed 4 times a day but have recently dropped her too 3 as she was leaving one of the 2 middle feeds. This is my first running type dog and obviously want to get it right, which I think I am upto now.
  11. Thankfully I have never experienced any of this dog aggression and hope I never will. My terrier, beddyXwhippet and GSD are always off lead when on the field,wood and when meeting other dogs they have a sniff and if the other dog is as well they will have a run around and play, if the other dogs on a leash they will leave it alone when told. I am wary of bull type dogs, but most dogs I've seen/met have been sound.
  12. Aye but start of the ferreting season ain't it
  13. In my experience most dogs will mark, start them young sniffing, licking etc rabbits and they pick it up in no time. My German shep is a very good marking dog, he just doesn't seem to want to kill/hold the rabbits once they bolt he would rather play with them lol.
  14. Rather than say no, I have taught mine to respond to NETS.. I just think it's easier for them too understand than NO, is he telling me too leave the net, stop sniffing about, walking about etc. Leave, nets and rabbit are really the only commands I use when ferreting. Time and patience and you will get there.
  15. Yeah apple cider vinegar, from what i have read supposed to be good for inside and out. Allery wise i know its nothing in the food as i only feed raw and she has a good balance between meat/bone/fish, possibilty it could be something in the house, as my missus is obsessed with spray things/plug ins etc, so they have all stopped for now. I will try the oil and see what she is like after a few weeks and if needs be go to the vets. Reading up on it, there is a possibility it could be 'walking dandruff' but that seems to be contagious so im assuming my other dogs would be the same.
  16. Any advice on what to use on my pup for her skin, it's very dry, flakey, like dandruff. Scratching and biting at her legs and back/neck. She is 14 weeks and is fed on a raw diet, containing ground meat, fish, wings, necks etc and is perfect apart from this. Bathed her with a flea and tick shampoo around 2 weeks ago and then applied some frontline spray all over her, just in case it was fleas. She gets 1/2 capful of ACV in with her tea every other day and I have also been spraying her with a mixture 50/50 water/ACV which doesn't seem to be doing anything. I have read stuff about applying oil or
  17. I have 2 working dogs, a terrier and beddy x whippet, both live indoors and are fantastic with the kids, other dogs etc. This soon changes once the ferreting gear comes out and they are in the boot of the car. They know when they are going to work and when they are home, change into totally different dogs.
  18. It is going to be a very long and testing time for you to train the terriers to leave the ferrets, even if terriers haven't worked they can take time to break them, yours having already worked rats are going to be extremely difficult. Not saying impossible but very unlikely and could take months and months. I have a terrier who has been broken to the ferrets since she was 4 months, never had any problems with her while out ferreting as she soon clicked on what they are used for. Also the whole ferret cages and run are full mesh front, so the dogs see them daily in the cages and also when
  19. My bitch terrier has been limping and keeping her front paw in the air all morning and on closer inspection one of her nails has a crack along the outside of the nail. It isn't her dew claw nail. Is there anything I can do myself for her or is it going to be a trip to the vets?
  20. Do you think the fruit and veg makes a big difference to your dogs. I'm looking into feeding it again with the raw food but am still undecided on if there is any real benefit? Like I say I used to feed it and since I've stop I've not noticed anything different in the dogs at all. They still get eggs once a week, yoghurt, bits of Apple, carrot etc just not with every meal. I don't feed a dry food either, preferring too stick to raw throughout, so if adding a bit of spinach, cabbage etc will give them added nutrients/vitamins that they won't get in the meat and bones, then I think I will start a
  21. It you have permission in the same area then NAME DROP, has worked wonders for me and once you get your foot in you are laughing. I always take my young nephew with me, less suspicious than going with somebody else or even just on your own. Good advice there mate
  22. Just interested if you feed veg or not and if you do what veg. I used to when I first started feeding barf a few years ago, carrot, spinach, broccoli, cabbage etc as well as pasta or rice. Nowadays however I feed just quality ground mince with everything in, as well as wings, bones, carcasses etc. They get the left over veg from the Sunday roast with their tea on the night, but apart from that nothing during the week
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