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About Stretch177

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North East
  • Interests
    Ferreting, Shooting, Fishing, Football

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  1. Has anyone got any hob kitts? Looking for 2 if anyone has any they don’t need?
  2. I got mine of Leeview years back, great bit of kit, ferrets absolutely love it, hear them at all times of the day and night using it!
  3. Quick check of the weather tonight and decided to nip out and have a quick stroll around my new perm. Didn't see too many rabbits but plenty of signs. Just got the one little'un tonight, seen it at around 30 yards, down onto one knee, quick squeak and one in the bag! Nice to be out tonight, hopefully more to follow.
  4. Cheers Larry, just a case a finding the right dog now
  5. This is the terrier that I will be breeding from. Cracking little dog, nightmare getting her picture haha
  6. Cheers AT, them two dogs yours? Look like little crackers bud
  7. Drifter, that would be great mate. Not too worried about the gundog bit, just as long as they have been worked, will go through cover, mark etc
  8. No joe777 I lack room on my team of dogs, for a dog that is primarily for bushing, hence me trying to breed the best dog to fill all my needs! I have a beddy whippet, plus the terrier, both are quality dogs in what I want then to do, but the beddy is reluctant to get right in the bush and the terrier works to far ahead and too head strong! I was always going to breed the terrier as she has strong working lines, has a great temperament with family and other dogs, is a great little worker and her prey drive is second to none. I've been thinking for a good year and a half about what dog suits my
  9. What's the dog being used for drifter?
  10. It's finding the small springer type though, which is what has made me go down the cocker route, plus I know more about the cockers temperament and behaviours than I do the sprinters, which I here are bloody nuts haha
  11. Wanting to go down the all purpose route mate. Ferreting will be mainly marking, holding them in the nets etc, rest take care of themselves. Ideally I'd get a dog for the job, but lack of room, plus thinking this cross would work well for me, I'm going down this route
  12. I've finally come to a decision on what to put over my Lakeland terrier and the help of you lads/ladies will be greatly appreciated. The terrier I have is spot on when it comes to rabbiting, ratting, marking, but she won't quite work how I want her to bushing. She works too far ahead and once she's onto something there's no stopping her. This is good for most of the time and works on the land I have, which is mainly farm land, open fields etc, but I think breeding her wilth a cocker will give me abit more control. The girlfriend has a Cocker bitch from working stock and I've taken her out a fe
  13. Nice to meet you too mate. Went out on Saturday and managed to get 2 with it. Cracking gun too shoot and shooting 5p groups at 35 yards with ease.
  14. Cracking looking pup mate
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