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Everything posted by lurchermanbd4

  1. Thank you a was suprised with what happend really a was expecting him going up to the first rat not nowing what to do either just chasing inquisitivly wondering what it was or going for a sniff an getting nailed by it. But he new his job strait away an did it as good as I have seen in experienced dogs well pleased with him hopefully be as good on other things... All though I will after a wait a while to find out lol
  2. My pups first outing. My plan was to hold him off and let him wach ma old girl shecks a few scaily tails but after she dusted a few of I decided to let him have his first go and he didn't disappoint killed them all in good style only got nipped a few times and he dint make a muff well chuffed!!
  3. Deffo be there lads went to Nicky newburns there this year
  4. Type his name in YouTube he would take a flea of a dogs back at 90 paces with a catty lol
  5. Av got a baikal hushpower 410 for sale if your interested am a fair way away from you tho lol
  6. Hi pal I have one for sale were about are you from
  7. Like earlier post not realy ideal keeping in same pen. It's food they fight over most off time. I never pen any dogs together unless I after an I always feed apart
  8. If they all get on we'll together a would say just feed seperately but split them if posssible
  9. A don't think there would be any point in a show with out the working terriers/lurchers a don't think there would be any one at the shows if working terrier/lurcher men want there... So stop talking out your crapper!
  10. yes i understand what your saying. i'd want 2 c it work a bit before a decided it just takes to long to bring a pup up a mean i have got an old dog that a brought on my self but hes to old now an a just want to get out doin abit lol
  11. after a running dog for rabbiting to do lamping, ferreting any one no of any around west yorkshire not wanting a pup
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