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About irish-star

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 26/07/1984

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  • Interests
    Hare coursing and racing pigeons and irish folk & dance music

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  1. I bought it 2 seasons ago of a guy m.toppings I'm not to sure tommy.5
  2. Its of that stuff big m.q give your lads, somthn that time incident in the trailer a wile bk.
  3. Out today withbthe new blood wee bitch I bought from a guy in ballana 14 mnts old 2nd hare this season coming on well, big buck hare lifted it in 3o sec nans witnessed it also have to say rory honest dogs,
  4. Well said, funny that the best dogs are still hear in ireland, any dog can run on flat ground not even a ditch in england.them hares are like big rabbits.
  5. What do you consider a top grader , dog hear n, belfast done over 30 ods this season.dosnt miss much.would ya consider that a top grader boys.
  6. Fairplay to nans pat, brought us to cracken ground in slane today, wata hunt .
  7. bring bulldozer to ireland see wat kind of dog he is differnt coursing altogether any man who knows ther sport would tell ya no big football pitches over hear boys the dog has to work for the hare
  8. lucus has concored england enough said,
  9. ther the best proven dog going at the minute englang and ireland
  10. ive to pups to pk u on tuesday outa lucus,lokn forward to it and lav irishlady bitch [bANNED TEXT]
  11. wat way they bread nice pups [bANNED TEXT]
  12. well done lad shes a nice,strong lkn bitch.good luck with her.
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