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Everything posted by longdog85

  1. Very well put together , that dog seems to stamp his pups well.
  2. I find it quite remarkable that the Aussies have baned greyhound racing stating its cruel but find it acceptable to infect animals with disease resulting in a slow painful death ?
  3. All three lots of e bay and all were posted from America
  4. Got my 320 direct from the states and have not had to tamper with software for it to work. Got two buddy's who have the new alpha set up with two collars each direct from the states and with no up or downgrade they work fine , both display current os mapping and can be used as a training collar and have remote light.
  5. From leaving the uk vets after worming you have 5 days to return without seeing a French vet.
  6. Good stuff from down south , can't work that ou if the dog was fetched from a pound pedigree unknown ?
  7. I'm pretty sure the breeding of billy is a mystery as he came out of a dog pound or was bought of a guy from London who had no idea of his breeding , either way any comment on his breeding is guess work . Looking at Reece type dogs they are very heavy for genuine first crosses or line bred bull crosses so mastif blood is a possibility . The ones I've seen run lack the agility of normal bull crosses and speed as well.
  8. Is the amazon price correct for this book ?
  9. PM me your details and will have them if there XL , I'm in Hampshire so mabe collect.
  10. Nice lot of birds but not one that's noted for song but cracking photos all the same.
  11. Would love to see a pic of your trained mink and a description of how you use them to hunt . And as to your lurcher pup itry one see how you get on with all dogs its trial and error and you won't know unless you try.
  12. What tripe one fish to feed your family yet French and Spanish boats will still do as they like in our waters !
  13. Have allways found bone man very usefull if dog is not himself . If he is carrying a niggle you can at least treat it if its identified . Also can't see fitness is the problem if its come on mid season . The other thing I've missed in the passed is viruses check his neck glands if there up antibiotics could help not preaching just things that have helped me in past ps god knows were you were down south if there was no flint !
  14. So what will happen to the tonnes of bass caught in nets dead will they have to drop them overboard ?
  15. What did you think of the terrain not what your used to I expect .
  16. Not all but some drag packs openly condem other types of hound work which is a terrible shame. Last year our local paper ran a piece on the south down blood hounds were there master huntsman urged people to follow them thus avoiding the cruelty and bloodshed of fox hunting all from a man who used to hunt fox hounds disgraceful in my opinion . Funny thing were did he go when his hounds caught mange the local pack for tic tac they politely sent him packing !
  17. Petere no chance your John Radcliffe ? Just read your original post and can't work out your angle . Edited to add logged of at 1 PM today perhaps end of shift ? Interesting to see what time you log on tomorrow to see what you've gathered !
  18. Ask him your self he is paid by us taxpayers to sit on here monitoring all of us ironic really .
  19. Well said deer man and as for grassing no one need bother these fools grass themselves up every time they post pics on face book . How do you all think the likes of Radcliffe are so clued up its only what he has learnt from the net !
  20. Twat fool such talk is generally reflective . Maybe my point was off the mark but I will try and explain . The rye ford chase are a quality pack I have hunted with them many times mostly pre ban on rabbit but also on roe and fox they were a real eye opener . Never bad scent (as you so often her now from fox hounds) and all hunts concluded one way or other not saying they killed all they hunted just that there was never a question mark as to what happened as is often the case with many foxhound packs pre ban . As to my comments regarding legality the rye ford chase solely hunt rabbits with a f
  21. No not an anti just a realist modern ( most) foxhounds are a joke beagles are better but not by far and if you have hunted for a while you too would have seen the downward performance of most packs . If you were to ask any other genuine hunting men they would concur that there are a few packs bred for purpose and up to the job but not many . My previous post were not anti foxhound just pro basset !
  22. Nick has nothing to hide he is one of the only packs that can hunt his chosen quarry legally with out thought of the ban . If you have never followed him go it will open your eyes to hound work and also how poor most packs have become . It's such a treat to see a pack hunt in full cry with all hounds participating far cry from most mute foxhounds I've seen of late .
  23. I've got the old style 320 and dc40 collar and love it never had any bother two of my mates have new style box and collar and the box is better with all the os maps ect but the dc50 collars are too big for me . But someone told me you can get a smaller beagle style collar with the only downside being a slight loss of range does any one have the small collar and would it work with my box?
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