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Everything posted by camokev64

  1. A very interesting subject, What a lot of everyday working dog people class as "hard mouth" is something what is physically observed,but this can also be the case on game that to the eye looks perfect. Either way,if the game is for your own consumption, concern should not be to much unless the dog is absolutely mincing the bird ! My own understanding of hard mouth,even when the bird looks ok,is when the chest cavity is caved in ! this is easily felt if the cavity has no spring to it upon feeling,along the lines of broken ribs,imagine that it is unable to support the vital organs . When
  2. Sounds like your making a fair stab at it,and the main thing that I can tell is that you like your bitch,which in turn creates a positive atmosphere for the dog.. The dog will also pull towards cover as well as scent,so be one step ahead of it. The ideal that you are also trying to achieve is working the dog with the minimum of whistle,and as you are realising,you only get out, what you put in.... Stick in and keep it tight !
  3. As in the majority of cases,when handler and dog come into the live game situation,the weaknesses in both will soon create a picture of how the handler has guided his/her dog through it`s initial informative months and subsequent training, basically your reaping the seeds you have sown.But, what also can happen this time of year is that the dogs "polish" can also go off,in that i mean with the dog in constant work mode,handlers cannot correct their dogs on a full blown shoot day,my own dogs,no exception...I can`t really get out to a Lab when it`s pulling me on the whistle a few hundred yards a
  4. As in the majority of cases,when handler and dog come into the live game situation,the weaknesses in both will soon create a picture of how the handler has guided his/her dog through it`s initial informative months and subsequent training, basically your reaping the seeds you have sown. But, what also can happen this time of year is that the dogs "polish" can also go off,in that i mean with the dog in constant work mode,handlers cannot correct their dogs on a full blown shoot day,my own dogs,no exception...I can`t really get out to a Lab when it`s pulling me on the whistle a few hundred yards
  5. Flesh Feeding is one of the best things that i have introduced to my dogs,been on it 5 years now. Lamb carcasses,chicken carcasses and tripe..+ carrots,apples,potatoe peelings,and any other veg... Advantages. : Less stools and solid.. Dogs teeth no build up Dogs drink 50% less water.. Dogs all round condition is fantasic.... Disadvantages: If your not organised and structured "dont bother ". One thing i do in the working season is give the dogs doing the most work, a handful of wholemeal biscuit but this does change the stools slightly. Stick in...
  6. .Why are these vets castrate,spay daft..? money money money.... The testicle can descend in time,but if you are really worried go for the surgical root, as Stroller correctly states Personally i would leave it and let mother nature take care.. But on a lighter note,a very well known Westie show person/judge had the same thing with a young dog and inserted a false testicle into a dog,only to turn up at a show one day and a judge felt 3 testicles...he was struck off after that incident.... Stick in..
  7. The loaded question was hopefully going to.lead to a few pointers for you. The process of guiding a dog through its early informative months and even its subsequent adult closed season training should be structured to replicate the shooting scenario as much as possible.The dummy/ball throw or buried ain't going to give your dog that upper hand or better success rate...Replicate the shoot day,with game easy to freeze and use out of season,use different game every week,put a grouse/ partridge in the game bag with the balls/dummies and fire the pistol into it ( shot scent )...then use the balls
  8. Smell of what, to replicate hunting what......? Humans / you...
  9. Don`t want to pour water on your training with balls but,how does this replicate hunting for game....?
  10. Purple is fine,but the most important thing is the back ground...
  11. With what reference do you ask the question?.. Is it in relation to buying a dog in,or seeking a stud dog... Either way a very interesting post !
  12. Yeah Peter.. A lad call Paul makes them and Sporting Saint distributes them.I've been very impressed with mine and they get some pastie.
  13. The chances of getting second hand equipment for your purpose will be Like finding hens teeth.With Bumper Boy no longer trading.. I changed over to a Lite Launcher quad set this year..I ran a few launchers and helped with feed back as regards performance,yes we had a few niggles but all have been overcome with excellent commitment from Paul at Lite Launcher...Mine get a right good pasting and perform very well with brill recharge life. In conjunction with the tennis ball adaptor ( 2 balls at once ) it's great to get dogs tip / top on marking..They also do a bird finger....all in all money we
  14. Does that get them asleep so they don't hear the squibs? Its not for fatigue that I use the treadmill for,more problem solving issues with dogs....it all can't be sorted in the field. Stick in
  15. It's funny how dogs work in the shooting field but some still have a reaction to the sound of fireworks.Some of mine are no exception.I pipe Classic FM to them 24-7 anyhow but crank it up abit more at Bomby fortnight...Or I could get the worse case on the treadmill all night.... Stick in
  16. Rebel, please read my post again RE: standard in Ireland..please don`t tag my post with the rest... Regards Trialing, Gonetoearth. .....It will certainly test your strength of character and resilience..but having a good dog with the education to match goes along way. And yes dogs certainly win that you may think should not,but remember the same judge doesn't supervise every trial and there are lots to be entered... "Cream does`nt always go sour if kept right" Stick in
  17. Cheers for that... It just got my attention when I heard Kurt was over here...supposed to be a right machine by all accounts..... Cheers again.. Now that the dog has been polished to win over here it is a awesome animal. It was doing exceptionally well in Ireland...
  18. Cheers for that... It just got my attention when I heard Kurt was over here...supposed to be a right machine by all accounts..... Cheers again..
  19. what a coincidence,I was going to broach the subject today with Edward Martin,regarding how Ian Openshaw has come to run Kurt,but got distracted at an awards ceremony .Could you shed any light Jessdale.
  21. A good post for everybody to read.. Basically green is more or less blind to a dog..that is why, when I'm running,working and training a dog I will wear light colours,it has more significance when you are handling dogs at great distances...That's why you see Handlers mainly at retriever trials wearing light caps,training vests and even turquoise jackets,white hankies are used when giving direction commands to allow the dogs to pick you out better.. But getting back to a pup retrieving,try wrapping some white gaffer tape round your dummy,it will just give that little extra to catch the dogs e
  22. Slipper, The first thing you need to do is work out exactly what the requirement is of the dog,and by the way that you are speaking it appears that a Spaniel would suit your friends needs. Now here`s the hard bit. Never mind people coming on here saying my Lab will smash cover for fun or my Spaniel will take 500 yard runners.At the end of the day each breed if trained correctly excels in their own fields,it is only the trainer to blame in 90 odd % of cases when the structure disintegrates and the dog becomes out of control. So, yes a Spaniel will sit quiet and steady at heel when not
  23. You have probably heard me mention in various posts, a cocker that I have been training. After very good transition from the usual dummies,cold game,sitting to flush on pheasant,partridge and rabbits in the pen.It culminated by being able to shoot over it on various rabbit days. NOW HERE IS THE DOWNER. After lessons on handling and do's/Don'ts with the dog, the transition of owner/dog bond was now set and life as the peg dog to be one of happiness. BUT for some reason the owner on a shoot day left the dog at home in the kennel,asking the neighbor to let the dog out for a pee ?. Upon the o
  24. Well, I agree with most of the points on the post and probably bang on alot about most of them.So if you would like to see the standards required,I can arrange for you to shoot on one of our training days.and if you have a good spaniel,work that too in very heavy game situations ! "Flushing points" you get that everyday on my training days with not a lead in sight.. Stick in and digest Strollers very good post...
  25. Well done,and it sounds like the keeper clicked your useful dog and your good attitude.He'll be thinking what an asset ! Hope they paid you well and didn't take liberties. Stick in.
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