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Everything posted by shell

  1. Not Broughton game fair is it? On the 28th June. shell
  2. Respectable 369... thats bloody fantastic! Well done! Better than our half a dozen and a couple of rabbits tally for today! All good fun though! Shell
  3. We had a L reg 2.7 td maverick and it was fantastic! Great off road on the shoot when we had it. Lovely to drive, like a car pretty much. But as a serious 4x4... not quite sure what you mean by that. It was great in fields on the shoot, handled mud, and great on snow. All I can say. Never had any bother with it other than the heater matrix goin on it. I'd love another! Only reason we got shut was us 2, one child, 2 lurchers and 4 terriers didn't fit in it too well. Got a Pick up instead. Shell
  4. Congrats! Hope everything goes well for the rest of your pregnancy and then the birth. All the best, Shell
  5. Mally, those photos are a credit to you and yours! I've just looked through them all and they are fantastic! We were there on Monday and were really impressed with the game fair as a whole, but especially the running of the terrier and lurcher show. Hats off to all that worked at it to make it such a good one. Shell
  6. We had an L reg swb diesel a few years back... it was brilliant! Loved it. Only had one thing go wrong with it in 3 years of having it, and that was the heater matrix. As someone else said... honest and reliable workhorse! We only got rid of ours because we got chance of a navara pick up at reasonable money, and the Maverick was getting a bit small for 2 big lurchers, 4 Border Terriers, and a child! The Terrano and the Maverick are the same thing, just different badges on them. I'd have another. Shell
  7. I like the look of her Tomo. Looks at good handy size. Shell
  8. We have a 3/4 Whippet 1/4 Kelpie, only 24 weeks old at the moment so hasn't really done anything yet workwise, other than a bit of ratting. She goes out mooching about with the others and is showing great promise. Few pics of her Like someone else said, she is extremely headstrong, not for a novice lurcher owner! She's my third lurcher, first one was mega hard work for the first year, second one we don't know we've got. But Kes is just manic. She is extremely agile, and can turn on a pin head mid air. She's like one of those kids toys that you wind up and when you let
  9. Nice set up! We've got hens in the back garden, most people don't know they are there... keep the others sweet with free eggs once a flood! shell
  10. Sad news. Any more info of where it happened etc?
  11. I stopped 18 months ago. Best thing I ever did! Went on those Champix, absolutely fantastic. Woke up one day and just didn't want to smoke any more. And that was it. Don't get me wrong, I still get the odd craving, especially after a few drinks, but I refuse to let them win. Good luck! Shell
  12. Atol had the exact same thing, bodge job when a pup, and it grew at a funny angle. She kept catching it, one time she came back from a run and it was hanging from a thread. We'd been advised not to have it taken off when she was an adult, but realised it had to come off. This will be about 4 or 5 years ago, cost us about £120 we seem to remember, and was done under a general anaesthetic. We wished we'd have had it done sooner with her to be honest! shell
  13. Ratman - it's my favourite as well! We hit it hard last time (Oct I think last year), got about 140, then Steve found another 40 odd the next day that had crawled out and died after we'd left. Got a much smaller haul this time. Same happened on some permission on the North Yorks Moors though, got a big haul first time, then never got big numbers after that. Cheers Bradford lad - all our Borders are home bred yep. shell
  14. Thanks guys! Dogfox - go to the same spot about 3 times a year, all the dogs know the script now so they are steady when they need to be. Don't take much egging on tho!!! Targa - she's only 22 weeks old, just changed her teeth. Wasn't expecting her to do much to be honest, so we were impressed she was getting stuck in. She's a wick little thing! Shell
  15. Excellent pictures Keeps! Good do with it being local as well! Shell
  16. Went down to Lincs yesterday for the day. Set off bright and early to get to Alans for breakfast at 9am. Took Nim with us as well, and she stopped with Alans wife for the morning then came to join us later on. Got to the chicken farm and went to meet Steve, the owner. Our first task of the day was to catch 50 odd hens that the 'catchers' had missed the day before. That provided some amusement with Malc chasing one chicken in a huge circle until he managed to catch it - was like something off a carry on film!!! Got them all caught and put away, and let the dogs out. Had with us Alan's 2
  17. Very nice Wildman. Flint and Kelt - like peas in a pod! Like the shape of Kelt very much! shell
  18. Sorry to hear of your loss. Condolences. Shell
  19. Our puppy walkers (when we were at the beagle kennels) used to get something with the pups name/year on... a crystal glass, or tankard. Never gave them silver spoons ... they were tight ar*ed though! But yeah, the principles still the same, they get something as way of a thank you. shell
  20. They sell the countrymaids in WHSmiths here, and Morissons supermarket. shell
  21. Buttons on the key? Erm... yours must be a posher model than ours. Ours is the farmers model More seriously... one bad point with our Nav... it's got an ifor top which you can lock with a padlock through the catches. Can't lock the tail gate though. We've adapted ours so it can be locked up securely now. Don't know if newer ones are lockable or not. shell
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