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Everything posted by shell

  1. cytacon - you can get over the counter at the chemists... smaller chemists might have to order it for you, but it's usually there the same day if you go early enough to order it. As someone else said, it's vitamin b12 in liquid form. Injectable B12, I think it's called Intravet or Intravit... you can get from Hyperdrug (I believe it isn't a prescription drug, but you've to answer a few questions about the animal who'll you be giving it to), I got some from Hyperdrug/canine chemists a few months ago and it's under a tenner a bottle... but you'll need needles etc with it being injectable.
  2. Happy birthday Kay! Hope you have a lovely day! shell
  3. You can buy vitamin B12 through Hyperdrug. It's used as an appetite stimulant.
  4. We always wean pups with lambs milk... a damn site cheaper than that Lactol/Whelpie stuff!!! 5 pups now! She looks so content with them all! shell
  5. Congratulations! And well done to you! Glad it all went well and she birthed them all ok. Shame about the 4th pup, but that's nature. At least you tried for it. She looks very content in that last pic. All in all, considering how worried you were etc she's done fantastic! Shell
  6. She is beautiful! And what a lovely picture! Little fighter! May she continue to thrive and do well. All the best, Shell
  7. Probably not long to go then Luke! Whelping box look spot on! Let us know how she goes on won't you! Shell
  8. We had a Border Terrier whelp a litter of 10 recently, she looked absolutely dreadful after she'd had them all. Took some time to build her back up but by the time the pups were 5 or 6 weeks old she was spot on. Like Mally says... keep her active right up until the day. We always keep ours active, I think it helps with the labour / birth. Plus, if she's getting near the birth, a brisk walk round the block might just help get things going. One more thing... if you see any horrible coloured discharge that smells... vets asap. Usually a sign of infection. shell
  9. If it were me personally, I would break the bag and if the pup is moving/wriggling give it to Tia. If the pup is alive but looks to be gasping then it needs rubbing with a towel, hold it in a towel at an angle facing down so if there is anything in it's mouth etc it should clear. You've to rub the pup quite firmly. It helps clear any crap that's in the way. You can also try opening it's mouth if you're struggling to feel if there's anything there. If the pup comes out really active and isn't gasping etc then Tia's maternal instinct should kick in and she'll start licking it and cleaning it
  10. Very good point! I should have said when we whelp terriers in the crates they are always in those plastic bed inside the crate (have them so they fit snuggly inside the cages) with padding all around the edges to fill any gaps so the pups can't get out. Shell
  11. It is a hard line to find the right balance when getting feed into a pregnant bitch. You'll know (as you already did) when she starts losing condition, starts looking boney etc etc that she's not getting enough. We whelp terriers in a big crate, but they have more free space than Tia looks to have in that picture. You don't want her lying on the pup and squashing it or the pup getting lost in bedding when she decides to rearrange it all (which she will!!!). Also is there enough room in the crate for you to get your hands/arms in should you need to help pull the pup out? It might be a
  12. Could it be that he's just getting bits of sand and soil etc in his eyes? Rather than an allergic reaction to something? Is he working in lots of brambles and maybe getting scratched around his eyes? Try cod liver oil. Buy some capsules (health food shop / boots), pierce a hole in one then put a couple of drops in his eyes. We use this on our Borders when their eyes are sore after mooching about and it helps get any crap out of their eyes. Usually the next morning all the sand or soil that was iritating them is stuck on the outside of the eye. Another one you can use is Golden eye ointm
  13. The pictures might not be showing it well, but if a puppy so young has a round bloated looking tummy like that it probably needs worming. You can get wormers from dog supermarket type places, or best bet would be the vets. Only cost a quid or so. Re crate - get to Argos or somewhere (Pet supermarkets sell them as well) and buy a proper dog cage... They have a tray in the bottom these days so if they have an accident in them they're much easier to clean up. They also give them their own space to get out of the way of kids etc if they want to! As for food... 4 times a day. Small meals.
  14. Awww she is lovely! Nice pup! shell
  15. So sorry to hear of your sister. RIP Viv. Thinking of you and your family. shell x
  16. Kes... 3/4 whippet 1/4 Kelpie. 10 months old. The huge ears appeared at about 12 weeks and are here to stay!!! 5 months on this one. shell
  17. Brilliant news! Congratulations to you both! shell
  18. that picture as your signature mate is that in west sussex? no... it's in West Yorkshire... Little area of tranquility tucked behind a busy industrial estate!! shell
  19. Skycat - I didn't know that about Urtica Urens. One of our Borders is prone to phantoms, and can become quite knocked about with them (goes totally off her feed, not interested in going for walks, no zest for anything other than being grumpy and sleeping on the sofa etc), so we usually end up getting her on some Galastop. I shall be getting some Urtica Urens in though now! Cheers, shell
  20. My lot all get them, we call it 'grass rash' as they always get it after they've been in long grass. We presume it's something like thistles, nettles or grass irritating them. The spots are like zits, and like you say, vary in size from 1 mm to maybe 6 or 7 mm. Aloe Vera moisturiser rubbed on the affected area gets rid of them. It affects the dogs who have the least coat under their bellies the most. The hairiest terrier doesn't get it as bad as the others. Shell
  21. Probably is Broughton then.... Not sure what time the terrier/lurcher show starts, but you don't have to pay to go into the actual show if you just want to go to the terrier/lurcher show.
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