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Everything posted by Alvaston_Shooter

  1. Lol @ p*ssing on them, what?? Lots of handling from kits, take the odd nip but don't put the ferret down, just give it a stern NO and tap it on the nose. I've not met many ferrets that can't be tamed. If it's 12 months and still biting with intent then it'll never change, give it up or knock it on the head.
  2. HW has been best on all of my AA S400/410s. Tried most apart from the Huggett.
  3. Bad luck mate, but these things happen, I'm sure we've all lost a ferret or two over the years, I know I have. Good luck with the kits mate.
  4. Another vote for the 80K here, but that's probably only because it's tuned. I have a TX200HC too but that's standard, still an absolute pearler of a gun though, straight out of the box it's nearly as good as my tuned 80K. My 80K is about 10 years old, it was tuned by Robert Lane and has a full barrel Rob Lane silencer/shroud on it which looks the dogs and works even better. Also has a full Venom trigger unit on it. It must have had hundreds spent on it but it shoots like nothing else I've ever owned. With that said, if you don't want to spend more money on getting the 80K tuned then pe
  5. Get as close as you can and dig yourself in for the long haul mate, you need a fair bit of patience and a lot of stealth. Dead wabbit, crow decoy and tuck in tight to a hedgerow, full camp and a net if it helps. You will get there in the end, they just cautious little buggers and take a long time to settle once spooked.
  6. Looks a good size mate Good to hear you using a bit of stealth and getting a good shot at a sensible distance, congrats fella
  7. Think they run about 2ft/lb Nicely made little plinker though and good for a laugh. Best of luck with the sale
  8. Came across a big Grass Snake a couple of months ago, looked like it had just shed as there was still skin over part of it's eyes and it was very tired looking. It was basking right on the back road into a busy country park and wouldn't move so I picked it up carefully and put it over in the sun by the edge of some woodland. It was a nice sight. Seen a couple of Grass Snake but yet to see an Adder.
  9. The seller won't even sell to you if you're not an FAC holder anyway, or at least he shouldn't, no matter what your intentions are. With all the other potential issues mentioned above in the mix as well I would just forget about it. FAC guns often go a bit cheaper as there's simply not as much call for them as sub 12s.
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