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Everything posted by gnipper

  1. It's all well and good going on to the ecig but if your still on it 7 year later you're still a nicotine addict, it should be an aid to quitting and wean yourself off the nicotine going through the weaker strengths to zero nicotine. I know lads that smoked more with the ecig than fags because you don't have to go outside etc, that's not quitting.
  2. He should have been going in the back of that wagon.
  3. The butchers by mine is 50p a lb if youbuy 100lb, the local raw feed suppliers are a lot more.
  4. First time should have been its last.
  5. I'm sure I heard something in the past they can get botulism off ducks which makes the back end go? Might have been a plummer book when I was a kid though so probably a load of bollocks?
  6. I've got 3 of the little buggers now with 6 year gaps between them and I'm getting a white beard too living in a house full of women.
  7. Just been through the same thing myself and I'm near 40 too, I was absolutely gutted I'll be honest but she's great. I'm having to build a big extension and it's a nightmare but it'll be worth it in the end.
  8. The bloody tip was bad enough on their opening day imagine how bad the pubs are going to be, all the mongs who have been moaning about them being shut are gonna be piling in and like sardines.
  9. What meat have you given them mate?
  10. The prices at the moment are ridiculous but if you had a litter of pups at the mo and everyone else was selling for 2-3 grand would you sell for 500 quid? Some twat would buy them to sell on.
  11. They're nearly double that over here.
  12. You see some really cheap statics for sale, some of the sites near here make you replace your van after so many years so the old ones are practically given away.
  13. I'd of thought the margarine would be kept on the windowsill
  14. Could you not just get a cheap static caravan then all you gotta do is connect it up?
  15. Proper honey bees would be gladly collected by a local bee keeper wouldn't they?
  16. Your doing well getting a linnet mule that white mate well done. Be nice to see it moulted out.
  17. It definitely knocks them leaving their litter, nothing worse than picking up some tame kits and getting home after a drive with a box of screaming lunging b*****ds. I just put the box in the hutch and let them settle down for a bit.
  18. If I ever end up packing in hunting I'd like a nice Stafford like them.
  19. The yellow is a young canary mate but the brown one was a linnet mule. I gave him away to a mate.
  20. I hope it doesn't sing and breeds a load of mules next year ?
  21. I would imagine it's for pet owners finding which cupboard the ferrets behind not underground.
  22. I bred a linnet mule with the same do last year and this little feller has an older sibling the same this time.
  23. Harlequin cross, I've got her harlequin mother here too who bred my marked linnet mules last year. I'm trying to get a round of goldie mules out of them both quick to see if they throw pied to them.
  24. My goldies. The second round are due to hatch Sunday/monday.
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